My Bother in Law gave me a black and white G3. I am a PC person and I want to get into macs. It didn't work so I figured I could fix it, so I did. I also upgraded it. He are the specs. 14.1TFT/266MHZ- 1MB/ 10GB HD/ 4MB video/ CD/Modem 56K/ Ethernet 10K. I upgraded the ram to 192 MB and the Hard drive was 4GB and now it is 10 GB. I am trying to run OS 10. It will run well. Sometime I can shut it down and restart with no problems other times I will get a floppy disk with a blinking question mark. I have found a lot about this on the net, but really no solid fix. It seams the system file can't be found. I understand that and the only way I can see to get it to see it is to reinstall OS10 not fun. Then I may be able to use the computer for the day and if I shut it down I will have to reinstall the OS.
IS my system able to run MAC OS X??
Any help would be very thankful.
God Bless
P.S. I did buy the OS. The OS it cam with is 8.5. It works but the addon USB Ports I bought don't. I can't win for losing.LOL
IS my system able to run MAC OS X??
Any help would be very thankful.
God Bless
P.S. I did buy the OS. The OS it cam with is 8.5. It works but the addon USB Ports I bought don't. I can't win for losing.LOL