My son is studying engineering classes and I insisted he take a computer class or two, because like it or not, they are not going away.. He says "Boring". Anyway, he is taking a "C" class (not C+,or C++, or C (something else), just C).
Being one of the largest consumers of new apple products when they come out, he said excitedly, "Hey, maybe I can make a program for the iTouch" . All of a sudden the thought of programming became less boring.
I myself had a backround in programming from the OLD days (fortran,... assembler language .. .. stuff like that) and I am familiar with the concept of object oriented programming, although I can't do it.
So some general questions would be
"What programming language is used to make iTouch applications?
Also since he is learning C , and I may be completely off-base on this, is there a compiler available to translate the C code into the specific language an iTouch understands. In the olden days we used compilers ... not sure how all this new stuff works nowadays.
And this should probably have been the first question: Do you have any recomendations on how someone would go about learning to program an iTouch application? Books, Aids etc.
Being one of the largest consumers of new apple products when they come out, he said excitedly, "Hey, maybe I can make a program for the iTouch" . All of a sudden the thought of programming became less boring.
I myself had a backround in programming from the OLD days (fortran,... assembler language .. .. stuff like that) and I am familiar with the concept of object oriented programming, although I can't do it.
So some general questions would be
"What programming language is used to make iTouch applications?
Also since he is learning C , and I may be completely off-base on this, is there a compiler available to translate the C code into the specific language an iTouch understands. In the olden days we used compilers ... not sure how all this new stuff works nowadays.
And this should probably have been the first question: Do you have any recomendations on how someone would go about learning to program an iTouch application? Books, Aids etc.