joecool85 said:
Do you like your machine?
I went from an iMac G3 500Mhz to this beast. What an upgrade ay! I absolutely love it, its styling, design and power. It certainly does everything I want and need with ease, though I'm not that demanding a user really. I installed an extra 1Gb of RAM at the same time and installed it before even booting it with the stock 512mb. I think the extra RAM would make quite a difference. Also worth putting Tiger on if yours doesn't come with it.
The only thing I have noticed lag is when you load up quicktime movies in Safari. You can tell its really having to think because the fans rev up (just like revving an engine) and Safari will lock out for 3 or 4 seconds. It's annoying if you need to open 20 tabs in the background, with a different MPEG in each.
The revving is great fun. When you turn on the machine you get a nice blast from all fans
The fans spinning up and down add some character to it I think. Not to mention the fact that it's absolutely huge and towers over my desk!
One thing worth mentioning is 'the chirp'. In certain conditions and certain amounts of CPU load, there is an audible regular beeping sound from the computer. This sometimes elevates to a sort of screeching or whaling sound under heavy load, especially with programs that use the graphics card. This noise is minimal if you set your processor to 'automatic' mode in the energy saving preference panel. You also get used to it and treat it just like HD read/write noises.