I’ve been working on a detailed
review of the new Spyder5, including a direct comparison to X-Rite’s i1Display Pro. My results with the new Spyder are very good, to the point that I think it’s a real contender to i1 Display Pro and the Colormunki Display.
All new Spyder5 versions can profile multiple displays, including the least expensive Express model. This version is a steal at $129, specially if paired with the free open source
dispcalGUI + Argyll CMS package. Profile quality is 99% as good as the i1. All I could notice in terms of difference were slightly harsher transitions in the blues and reds and a tiny bit more banding. The only drawback is that Argyll CMS is not yet optimized for the Spyder 5, so measurement times are super long, taking up to a couple of hours to generate a profile. I just let it run overnight.
Keep in mind, though, that it’s very difficult to achieve good results when profiling lower quality
TN displays. i1 was better and more consistent than the Spyder5 in those cases, but still bad and unacceptable for any color critical work. This is due to the various limitations in TN displays, not to the calibration hardware itself.