This is my current process:
1. rip a blu ray in Windows using AnyDVD HD.
2. switch over to OS X, load the .m2ts that contains the movie into
tsMuxer and remove unwanted soundtracks and subtitles
3. load the tsMuxed .m2ts into Handbrake with a custom setting:
- Format: MP4 file
- Video codec: H.264
- Framerate: same as source
- Quality: Average bitrate=6,000
Picture Settings
- Anamorphic: none
- Size: 1280 x whatever it takes to keep the aspect ratio ("keep aspect ratio" is checked)
This produces a nearly-indistinguishable-from-1080p quality .m4v file at somwhere between 4 and 7 gigs. My Mac Mini is connected to my
32" TV and I watch my blu ray rips using Plex. If I had a larger display (I used to be heavily into front projection with a 10-foot wide 2.35:1 screen), I don't know if I would "downgrade" to 720p, but at 32 inches diagonal, image quality is outstanding.
I have no interest in watching movies on my laptop or iPod, so this works for me.