@ElectronGuru stated the mini doesn't have more, it has less ... although true, where it can be used means it can be used more.
I used to work for an I.T. / H.R. research firm who's main office was in a 100yr+ old concert hall, which events are STILL used public/private. The concert hall area has all their amps, microphones (wireless Bose), speakers and lighting systems all connected and interfaced over a specific WiFi to an iPad Mini 4.
Every morning my task was to ensure:
Stage Lights, Floor Lights, back stage lights,
Polycomm VC system (for meetings/town halls - latter in a different room),
Speakers and levels,
Amplifiers and finally wireless mics and PC projection to projector were ALL working. The convenience of walking around with an ipad mini to check all systems including the meeting rooms that overlooked the area was super convenient. Especially being able to screenshot an error or issue, send email to our ticket system which from there I can add notes, resolve, or escalate.
Bonus was ability to dock the mini on the wall for when a concert or presentation by a public party was needed vs running up to my PC.
PS: I'll try to find a pic to show for relevance.