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macrumors G3
Original poster
Jul 23, 2007
Hi, I just noticed that on Amazon, private is set under wish list and shopping list. Who would want such lists to be on public?
Also, why often many sites give the options to connect via email account from that G company or SNS accounts rather than just registering for a new account for that site? Are they trying to steal friend lists?

I hope that that G company has not been scanning our emails and attachments.
It used to be a thing (still see it sometimes) to put an Amazon wish list on your site/blog (sometimes next to a PayPal donate button). Things like books, DVDs, music, which are all things that cost less than $25.
Also, why often many sites give the options to connect via email account from that G company or SNS accounts rather than just registering for a new account for that site? Are they trying to steal friend lists?
the "G company" is Google and yes they do that because they can datamine your account, long term they can ban one account and they ban you everywhere
There is a reason I did not spell out their name. Now their name is spelled out so their machines know we are talking about them and keep an eye on us. Thanks!
They keep an eye on you anyways. If you really want to fight the botnet you would have to stop using the internet altogether which is almost impossible.
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