It's called 'don't jailbrake' your iPad. Love these posts where someone has jail broken their device, then headlines a new thread with something that insinuates that the device itself is the problem when a game suddenly doesn't play right.
For the record, I play Fieldrunners all of the time, and have not experienced any laggy behavior. So in essence, see paragraph one above for your remedy.
I,m not even sure I would want a IPhone or Ipad if it wasn't jailbroken.
I,m a grown adult & a consumer who spends good $ for a quality product. That being said I like to be able to use MY products to the best of their abilities and that's exactly what jailbreaking provides. Yes if you jailbreak you may have to spend a little more time getting to know your device but isn't that half the fun?
I just shake my head @ posts like this because (" Its called 'don't jailbreak' your Ipad.)" You have no idea what your talking about.
Enjoy your limited functioning device & the boundaries SJ and Apple place on it . Does Steve come hold your hand and tuck u in @ night too? O, only after you're asleep & dreaming huh

You came out and attacked the op for no reason and still didn't offer any helpful advice.
Actually after reading some of your other posts it seems that just don't have anything good to say to anybody do ya? Does posting neg **** to other people make u feel better about yourself? It's OK. I take it back, you're a good guy
As far as the OPs issue. Do the safe mode thing, If that doesn't work than I would say take a good hard look at what you have installed & what is really needed. Jailbreaking is great but a lot of people really tend to over do it with the stuff they install and it really puts strain on the device.
Also, ever if u don't own a Iphone. I'd suggest taking a look over at this forums. There's a lot of knowledge over there that still applies.
Waiting for my ban as I'm almost sure you'll go complain to someone