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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 28, 2009
Encinitas, CA
I'm not even sure 'laggy' is a word, but when I play Fieldrunners, for example, and get to a level where there is a lot of activity on the screen my iPad slows down to about two or three frames per second.

Is there an app, either in the iTunes store, or Cydia that will help correct this problem?

If not, perhaps there is something to do in settings that will help me out.
My iPad is the 64 model and I'd guess I have about 1/3 memory remaining.

Any help would be great really, as it stands now the game is almost unplayable at these levels.
I'm guessing that your iPad is jaiilbroken. Have you tried playing it in "Safe Mode"? And restarting your iPad then playing it?
I honestly don't know what the above two posts imply? I apologize for my ignorance. "Safe mode." How do I place the iPad into that?

Turbo? If that is the fast forward in Field Runners then yes, I try playing it with it on and off. It speeds it up slightly, but when the field is almost completely full of the 'bad guys' the game gets real slow.

Yes, my iPad is jailbroken.
If you have SBSettings installed, swipe to get the menu, then hit Power in the lower right. In the next popup hit Safe Mode. This will respring your iPad into Safe Mode in which none of your jailbroken things load. After you slide to unlock click Ok on the next popup the try playing the game. If it is fast then the problem lies with a jailbroken thing. If it is still slow then the problem is unresolved. to get out of Safe Mode just swipe the status bar and tap Restart.
I don't have SBSettings, but will download it and try it out as you suggest. Thanks for the help. I hope that is it.
It's called 'don't jailbrake' your iPad. Love these posts where someone has jail broken their device, then headlines a new thread with something that insinuates that the device itself is the problem when a game suddenly doesn't play right.

For the record, I play Fieldrunners all of the time, and have not experienced any laggy behavior. So in essence, see paragraph one above for your remedy.
For the record, I play Fieldrunners all of the time, and have not experienced any laggy behavior. So in essence, see paragraph one above for your remedy.

For your record, I have played Fieldrunners on an unjailbroken iPhone 4. It does lag in the more intense levels. Being jailbroken has nothing to do with it being laggy.
I probably should have stated originally, I've had this issue for a few weeks now and finally out of sheer frustration decided to google around for an answer/solution and not finding anything, posted here.
I only jailbroke my iPad a little over a week ago when jailbrakeme came out.
For your record, I have played Fieldrunners on an unjailbroken iPhone 4. It does lag in the more intense levels. Being jailbroken has nothing to do with it being laggy.

We are not talking about the iphone 4 here we are talking about the ipad and i have about 20 ipad games and no lag on any of them... and no jailbroken device
We are not talking about the iphone 4 here we are talking about the ipad and i have about 20 ipad games and no lag on any of them... and no jailbroken device

My statement was proving a point at how an even faster device can also lag when playing the same game. An when you read post #9 you will see that the OP had these problems even before jailbreaking. Thus, this may be a hardware problem or his game may be corrupt.
It's called 'don't jailbrake' your iPad. Love these posts where someone has jail broken their device, then headlines a new thread with something that insinuates that the device itself is the problem when a game suddenly doesn't play right.

For the record, I play Fieldrunners all of the time, and have not experienced any laggy behavior. So in essence, see paragraph one above for your remedy.

Grow up and quit acting like a child. You have no reason to give this guy an attitude. If you are not going to help, refrain from posting. The guy was asking for help with his jailbroken iPad, he didn't ask you whether he should jailbreak or not.
It's called 'don't jailbrake' your iPad. Love these posts where someone has jail broken their device, then headlines a new thread with something that insinuates that the device itself is the problem when a game suddenly doesn't play right.

Oh get off your high horse and ****. Just because you like to have your ipad limited doesn't mean everyone else should. the op could do whatever he damn well please with his ipad, and has every right to come here for support.
Who knows how or why but I deleted the game from my iPad and even deleted it from iTunes to simply "repurchase" it via iTunes and load it back on my iPad.
Works fine now, no real lag.
Grow up and quit acting like a child. You have no reason to give this guy an attitude. If you are not going to help, refrain from posting. The guy was asking for help with his jailbroken iPad, he didn't ask you whether he should jailbreak or not.

I can give attitude to whomever I choose. The OP should have designated 'jail broken' ipad in his thread description. I'm not going to advertise that my Mac has problems as a headline to a thread, only for someone to read the thread and find out that I have a hackintosh instead. Of course I'd get all kinds of hell for different here.

When you run non-native software on a device, you get what you get, so don't complain.
I can give attitude to whomever I choose. The OP should have designated 'jail broken' ipad in his thread description. I'm not going to advertise that my Mac has problems as a headline to a thread, only for someone to read the thread and find out that I have a hackintosh instead. Of course I'd get all kinds of hell for different here.

When you run non-native software on a device, you get what you get, so don't complain.
Why would I solicit a possible Cydia app as a possible solution within my original inquiry if my iPad wasn't jailbroken?

Please, I know you can't be the type of guy who needs every little minutia spelled out for him. Right?
Why would I solicit a possible Cydia app as a possible solution within my original inquiry if my iPad wasn't jailbroken?

Please, I know you can't be the type of guy who needs every little minutia spelled out for him. Right?

If you are typing a response, then I'm assuming that you can read. I said nothing about the body of your thread, I was talking about the title itself. "What to do about laggy game play on the iPad" says nothing about a jailbroken or Cydia issue.
If you are typing a response, then I'm assuming that you can read. I said nothing about the body of your thread, I was talking about the title itself. "What to do about laggy game play on the iPad" says nothing about a jailbroken or Cydia issue.

You make a good point. Next time I'll be a bit more specific within the thread title.

It's been a couple of days now and thank goodness my fix works. Simply deleting the app from the iPad and also deleting it from iTunes and then placing a fresh re stall from iTunes (You're not charged twice, of course) and placing it back on the iPad worked well.
It probably wasn't necessary to delete it from iTunes and then "purchase" it again, but I can't complain about the results.
It's called 'don't jailbrake' your iPad. Love these posts where someone has jail broken their device, then headlines a new thread with something that insinuates that the device itself is the problem when a game suddenly doesn't play right.

For the record, I play Fieldrunners all of the time, and have not experienced any laggy behavior. So in essence, see paragraph one above for your remedy.

I,m not even sure I would want a IPhone or Ipad if it wasn't jailbroken.
I,m a grown adult & a consumer who spends good $ for a quality product. That being said I like to be able to use MY products to the best of their abilities and that's exactly what jailbreaking provides. Yes if you jailbreak you may have to spend a little more time getting to know your device but isn't that half the fun?
I just shake my head @ posts like this because (" Its called 'don't jailbreak' your Ipad.)" You have no idea what your talking about.
Enjoy your limited functioning device & the boundaries SJ and Apple place on it . Does Steve come hold your hand and tuck u in @ night too? O, only after you're asleep & dreaming huh ;).
You came out and attacked the op for no reason and still didn't offer any helpful advice.

Actually after reading some of your other posts it seems that just don't have anything good to say to anybody do ya? Does posting neg **** to other people make u feel better about yourself? It's OK. I take it back, you're a good guy :D

As far as the OPs issue. Do the safe mode thing, If that doesn't work than I would say take a good hard look at what you have installed & what is really needed. Jailbreaking is great but a lot of people really tend to over do it with the stuff they install and it really puts strain on the device.

Also, ever if u don't own a Iphone. I'd suggest taking a look over at this forums. There's a lot of knowledge over there that still applies.

Waiting for my ban as I'm almost sure you'll go complain to someone ;)
I can give attitude to whomever I choose. The OP should have designated 'jail broken' ipad in his thread description. I'm not going to advertise that my Mac has problems as a headline to a thread, only for someone to read the thread and find out that I have a hackintosh instead. Of course I'd get all kinds of hell for different here.

When you run non-native software on a device, you get what you get, so don't complain.

What a troll. What proof do you have that the OP's jailbreak is the issue? Sure it's a possibility, but from him having this problem before jailbreaking it doesn't seem it. I don't think anyone has any use for you in this thread, and it doesn't seem you've been any use to anyone except to troll.
Guys, seriously. This thread has already had a bunch of posts removed via a mod and will most likely be killed next if this bad behavior keeps up.

I'd imagine jailbraking can and at times does hurt the performance of the iPad. It just happened that wasn't the case for me here.
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