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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 30, 2003
Connecticut, USA
So I am new to the Mac world, just getting my 15" and such, and was wondering what I should do when I upgrade.

I've heard that similary to the Windows world a clean install is best for ideal performance and what not.

I have a 20GB iPod so backing things up shouldn't be too difficult if I do a clean install, but is this a good idea?

Any other suggestions for the cleanest/easiest/best install would be appreciated...

I do a clean install on my G4 every time a "new" OS comes out.
I usually copy my entire "Home" folder to an external volume (like an iPod).
When done installing the OS (+updates) and apps, I copy the "needed stuff" back to my new home dir, finding out which files are important, and which are not.
A good way to learn which files belong to what.
If an external drive is not available, what is the install type for wipe everything clean? All I need to save is my iTunes folder and I can burn that onto a few discs.
Originally posted by beefcake
If an external drive is not available, what is the install type for wipe everything clean? All I need to save is my iTunes folder and I can burn that onto a few discs.

so once you have the stuff backed up.... just pop in the panther cds and do a "reformat/clean install" or something like that.... best to start fresh when possible.
I just got my G5 back around 9/15. Haven't installed too much software on it. Just installed Photo Elements, Entourage, Proteus, Final Cut, and some minor apps. I also have 7G of music. I haven't back up the music yet, since most of it is on my XP machine as well.

Should I do a fresh install?

depends how much time and such you have.... the fact is, with less stuff already installed, it's even easier to do the clean install...

clean install whenever possible i think...
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