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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 2, 2016
Cornwall UK
Just now was going through some photos on my macbook pro.
Eventually preview stopped opening files and just bounced in dock.

Tried to close preview by alt click and force close. This did not work.
Tried via activity monitor but it did not show in list.
Also my RAM stress was amber.

Was not able to shut down via the apple logo on menu bar either.
Was forced to hold power button down.
Is this ok to force off a mac? I know in windows it's not a good idea and even more so in windows 10 due to the stupid image file it creates on shut down.

Cropped screen grab:
Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at 11.39.13 2.png
Just now was going through some photos on my macbook pro.
Eventually preview stopped opening files and just bounced in dock.

Tried to close preview by alt click and force close. This did not work.
Tried via activity monitor but it did not show in list.
Also my RAM stress was amber.

Was not able to shut down via the apple logo on menu bar either.
Was forced to hold power button down.
Is this ok to force off a mac? I know in windows it's not a good idea and even more so in windows 10 due to the stupid image file it creates on shut down.

Cropped screen grab:
View attachment 762804
You can bring up the "Force quit applications" window by pressing cmd-option-esc.
That said, if your machine is properly busy like yours seems to have been it may well be a good while before the window even opens. I usually try to give it at least a couple of minutes in similar conditions. Press the keys and go grab a coffee. :)

Usually nothing bad should happen if you force quit your machine, other than possible unsaved changes getting lost, but bad things can - very rarely - happen.
I have a TM backup so if went bad not too bad only a week behind.

I did force quit via dock (alt click) is that same as the key short cut?

I waited few mins but think got itself in mess and ram usage etc.
planning upgrade to 8GB in next few weeks hopefully this help a bit.
I waited few mins but think got itself in mess and ram usage etc.
planning upgrade to 8GB in next few weeks hopefully this help a bit.

I upgraded the SSD and the RAM up to 8 from 4GB on my MacBook Pro, and it makes a big difference. I would like to have seen what it was like with just the SSD prior with the 4GB to really assess it, instead of doing them at the same time, but would definitely suggest you try 8, and it's an easy quick job to do.
i have ssd and 4gb ram.

it ok and does what i want but ms office bit laggy to load. photoshop, well big program expect it be bit laggy.

at moment it about same speed to open office as my 2010 macbook, which had ssd and 8gb ram but only 2.4GHz C2D.

My pro has the SSD from the macbook, just transplanted it and booted.
Sadly, it is not unheard of to see some applications occasionally hang hard enough that Force Quit will not kill them, at least occasionally. I would not worry about it, if it is a rare event.

If you see it consistently, more troubleshooting could be required, including deleting preferences and caches, and perhaps a reinstall. For apps that are part of the OS, you can consider restoring from a backup, or reinstalling the OS from recovery mode.

If an app crashes hard consistently, you can make a new test user account and run it from there for a while:

  • If the app behaves in the test account, then its likely a user-specific problem (typically corrupt user preference, cache, or some kind of conflict).
  • If the app continues to crash in the test account, then its likely a global issue, including a system preference, the application itself, or a system wide conflict (such as a kext or driver), mentioned....a hardware issue.
this is first time on this machine or my previous apple laptops had a major crash/hang.

my imac used to every now and then but since upgrading the CPU and new heat paste touch wood not done it since.
Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at 12.34.16.png

Well from a damaged machine recovered a 4GB stick and fitted to my mac.
As can see much happier now and zero swap file too!

Will install another 4GB when I can.
Watch the swap over time. Always starts out clean after a reboot...the real test if after days of use...and/or heavy use.

Could be a an app or process may put over the top during heavy use, or, one may have a memory leak and will creep up over time...even when idle or under light load.
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