OK, we should know in the next few months if there will be a new Mac Pro or if there won't. If there is, fine. If not, I'm starting to think about the alternatives:
1) I could keep my 2008 2x2.8 MP. Still a capable machine. It only has 8GB of memory and RAM for this machine is expensive. I guess I could upgrade the video card. It already has an SSD as a boot drive. But no TB or 6 Gb SATA or (dare I hope) USB3.
2) Build a Hackintosh. Ugh. A Hassle. Violation of copyrights. I don't like this idea.
3) Buy some form of an upgraded Mac Mini. Another ugh. I like everything in one box, please.
4) Buy the last of the 2010 1x2.8 MP and upgrade to a 3.2 hex core. Expensive. Or buy an Apple six core. I wonder if the 2010 would be set to end-of-life. I got a great deal on my current MP that way. I also wonder about the resale value of the MP 3,1 if the MP should be discontinued. Might not be too bad.
Other ideas? Please, don't mention the name iMac.
1) I could keep my 2008 2x2.8 MP. Still a capable machine. It only has 8GB of memory and RAM for this machine is expensive. I guess I could upgrade the video card. It already has an SSD as a boot drive. But no TB or 6 Gb SATA or (dare I hope) USB3.
2) Build a Hackintosh. Ugh. A Hassle. Violation of copyrights. I don't like this idea.
3) Buy some form of an upgraded Mac Mini. Another ugh. I like everything in one box, please.
4) Buy the last of the 2010 1x2.8 MP and upgrade to a 3.2 hex core. Expensive. Or buy an Apple six core. I wonder if the 2010 would be set to end-of-life. I got a great deal on my current MP that way. I also wonder about the resale value of the MP 3,1 if the MP should be discontinued. Might not be too bad.
Other ideas? Please, don't mention the name iMac.