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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 5, 2011
I'd like to get some value out of my 2011 27" iMac (with the i7, 2GB Radeon HD 6970 and 12GB of RAM) but don't know if doing so is worth my time given the condition of the machine:
  1. The GPU is broken. Turning the machine on brings me to an Apple logo with some red stripes and no further. Yes, this can be replaced, but a replacement doesn't look cheap, plus I have to consider...
  2. The Screen is cracked. Granted, this is a small fracture on the side of the screen that curves back toward the edge (the break in the glass stays well within the border, doesn't touch the screen) but I fear any sort of repair on the GPU will worsen this damage, so a replacement glass panel would probably be in order to get the machine back up and running.
  3. It still has some personal information on it. The 1TB HDD has some sensitive personal information stored on it and since I can't log in, I don't even know where to begin with wiping that information away if I were to resell the machine. All the information was backed up via Time Machine, but I don't know how to wipe information from an inaccessible hard drive.
  4. The case itself has some blemishes. These are relatively minor, but a slightly bent corner of the foot (happened when it was shipped from Washington to New York) and a 4-inch scratch on the aluminum in the back probably don't help any possible resale value.
Given all that, I find myself looking at close to $300 for parts and shipping just to get the computer back up in working order ... which is right around what I'd expect this computer to sell for if I'm optimistic. And I would want to sell because I've got a much better desktop PC these days (the iMac has a lot of sentimental value to me, but it's so out of date at this point I have no need for it anymore). So ... I don't see a restoration as worth my time unless I'm wildly off-base with the price?

The other option I've been considering is parting out the machine ... but, given my very limited experience selling things online (What if I sell the logic board and the buyer demands a refund for a faulty part? I don't know how to test these components before I sell and I'd be largely guessing on pricing. The whole thing sounds so stressful I'm not sure I'd do it at all.) this also feels like a dead end unless somebody knows of particularly valuable components inside this particular computer?

Finally, I'm gravitating more and more toward just scrapping the machine. A depressing end for the Mac that carried me through college and beyond, but I do have a fair bit of fun scavenging aluminum, copper, etc. from discarded electronics, and I'd definitely be able to recover the HDD and all my data. Might even make something selling the RAM! Or I could hollow out the aluminum case, fill her with soil and spruce up my desk with some plants.

I post here because I've been indecisive about this machine for too long and I wanted to hear ideas for how to proceed. It's in storage right now, but I'd definitely like to get it off my chest, as I know this computer only depreciates in value with every passing month.

Any responses or ideas on current estimated value, how to get my data off the HDD, or how to proceed in general appreciated!


macrumors 601
Feb 17, 2008
Fort Worth, Texas
You can open that model iMac fairly easily since the screen is held in place by magnets and not glued like the later models. Once you open the machine, you can remove the HDD and attend to your data. The choice there is a USB adapter (OWC sells them) that you can use to attach it to another Mac and wipe the drive. Or, since the drive is old, just destroy it physically. After all that you can scrap the iMac if you desire. Instructions to open that model iMac can be found at


macrumors 6502
Feb 5, 2013
Having faced the same situation with my 27" loaded 2009. I pulled the ram, took out the HDD (retrieve data later) , and with "heavy heart" recycled it free at 'Staples.'

So sad. a2
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macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
a2jack has it right.
Take the hard drive out of it, re-purpose it, and use it until it fails.
As for "the rest of it" -- time for the recycle bin.
You might be able to get a few bucks on ebay "sold as parts"...


macrumors 68020
May 14, 2011
As others have said, removing the HDD easy on that model. I own a 2011 too and had it open numerous times. Physically smash the HDD unless you really need to remove the data for continued use, then take the rest of it to the local tip and dispose of it in the correct way.

It really has no value in it's present state.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 5, 2011
Barnacles. Well, combined with my own assessment, all these comments have made my path forward all the more clear: I'll extract the hard drive for personal use (an extra 1TB would be nice, even at 5400) and scrap/trash what I can't sell for parts.

Definitely sad to see this machine meet such a fate; it was by my side through countless hardships, jobs, workflows, projects, heartbreaks and celebrations for 7 long years. Better than losing it to theft or damage!

I appreciate all the feedback and any others who wish to comment their thoughts or ideas after this. :)


macrumors 6502
May 7, 2018
Eifel - Germany
Don't take it to the local disposal. First of all the 2011 is a great machine, only the GPU is a most failing component. I own 4 of those at the moment, 3 with broken GPU. Two of those now have other alternative cards (Quadro K1100M for 35€ and a GTX 765M for about 100€). So i could be fixed for very cheap. There is a whole thread about this on here.

But if you decide to dump it, sell it on. Maybe here or on eBay or other sites. Or give it to a hobby thinker like me. This is for all who owns old and defective hardware, there a lots of hobby thinkers out there who are happy whit some more parts. But remove the hard disk before, on the 2011 it is pretty easy.
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macrumors regular
Apr 15, 2011
There is a whole thread about this on here.
I saw that thread! Like 150 pages of posts. From what I cold tell, it seemed like a nightmare, similar to replacing an SSD on an old MBP. I just worry about the opportunity costs. I don't want spend weeks pulling my hair out. I took this thing apart before, so no fears :)


macrumors 65816
Nov 11, 2012
As you have probably accepted after reading all the responses, it is time to move on. Do whatever grieving you need, and move forward.

Especially since the screen is already cracked and you will not be powering on the machine again, removing the HDD is EASY. A little Googling (IFixit and other places) will guide you in removing the magnetically attached screen. You will then have the HDD to keep as a remembrance and no worries about others accessing your personal data.

Take the remainder to a free recycling place.

When your situation is right for purchasing a new machine, you will find a new iMac that you will like even better.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 5, 2011
Or give it to a hobby thinker like me.
You know, this sounds like a much better idea than just lobbing it in the trash or scrapping, and if you'd be willing to cover the cost of shipping, I'll give it to you.

I've tried to get into selling things online (I have a plethora of old computer components, many still functioning) but more often than not, the value of each item seems to be just barely at or slightly above the cost of shipping, to the point where it's almost not worth my time to start (like, how do I ship something to someone without giving them my home address without buying one of those expensive P.O. Boxes?).

I might even make a thread elsewhere on this forum asking for buyers if you're not interested ... do you think anybody would be willing to pay more than the estimated $50 it'd cost to ship this thing inside the U.S.?


macrumors 6502
May 7, 2018
Eifel - Germany
That would be great, but i live in Germany and shipping cost would be to expensive. But i suppose there are lots of tinkers out there near you. And I already own 4 of those at the moment.

I don't know about the prices in the US. In Germany it crazy sometimes. Like this one: 156€ atm plus 15€ shipping, 171€ about 190 USD. And still 3 days to go. A month ago I bought one for 30€ plus 15€ shipping, so about 50 USD. And 2 got given to me for free, even without shipping.

And I tested Catalina this weekend on one of those, well on an i7, 32GB ram and GTX 765M. Works like a charm.

Oh by the way, i also an collector of vintage computer, the oldest one i own is from late 70's.
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