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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 31, 2004
Denton, TX
How do I know if I'm running 1.0 or 1.1. I downloaded the update from a link yesterday but I don't know which one i downloaded. Is there a way to tell? Also, is there a way to uninstall what i downloaded yesterday besides going back through time machine.


Feb 8, 2008

How do I know if I'm running 1.0 or 1.1. I downloaded the update from a link yesterday but I don't know which one i downloaded. Is there a way to tell? Also, is there a way to uninstall what i downloaded yesterday besides going back through time machine.

Run software update. If you have 1.0, it should upgrade to 1.1. Otherwise, you're good.


macrumors regular
Mar 22, 2007
Run software update. If you have 1.0, it should upgrade to 1.1. Otherwise, you're good.

I'd like to respectfully add more detail. I ran the manual 1.0 install, but my software update does not yet have the 1.1 update. According to other posters here, this has also happened to people who got 1.0 via software update. In fact, there are multiple scenarioes folks are dealing with

Just an FYI; keep checking software update until you either see the 1.1 update, or the forums indicate the roll-out os finished...
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