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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 29, 2008
On my morning train commute I am mostly annoying my fellow travellers by laughing at Curb Your Enthusiasm, but have the Bourne trilogy on standby.

Also The 39 Steps (1935 version) there is something weird yet wonderful about watching quality old black and white films on 21st century technology.
I agree I have a whole slew of classic black n white movies that I watch through air video, I love the feel of watching something so old on something so new, it is like a marriage of fine quality material.

I watched the new season of True Blood and I have also been watching Pillars of the Earth on my iPad.

Tonight I might watch Avatar on mine.
Check out the Movie 'Kick Ass'

I wasn't sure I'd actually like it but it was surprisingly good. I watched Hot Tub Time Machine the other day and it was okay.......

I'm going to watch Fantastic Mr. Fox today, looks interesting.
old classics, movie vault?

i've been watching a bunch of old flicks, the summer season really seems like it sucks for movies and tv. i bought this app movie vault ( and was watchin a bunch of those old movies. old monster movies are the best :D
The last thing I watched was "the spy next door" I'm currently converting "tour film" REM DVD in handbrake to watch soon. Listening to Ellie Goulding as I wait though
Check out the Movie 'Kick Ass'......

Yes that's on there too!, very good, a film that gets better and better as the film goes on.....Its next to Napoleon Dynamite which as a 45 year old man am almost embarrassed to say I still really enjoy!

Vote Pedro.

Anything that's a series and around 45 minutes an episode is great for a daily commute....The Thick Of It, Lost have all made an appearance...

This could be an excuse to get back into The Sopranos!

The Nokia BH 503 blue tooth headphones are an excellent accompaniment to the ipad, though like I mentioned my sudden outbursts of laughter irritate my fellow travellers as much as loud one sided phone conversations! people really want to share what your experiencing.
Being a complete girl & watching the entire 6 seasons of Sex & the City from start to finish.

Film-wise, I've got Clash of the Titans, Prince of Persia, Green Zone, Soloman Kane and The Wolfman queued up & ready to go.
Lost, from the beginning, on the ABC player (FREE!!!). Damn I shoulda watched this show when it was on! LOL
Since I cancelled cable I thought I'd give Hulu a try. I huffed and puffed about the lack of variety for a day or so but I've settled down and started watching Glee (I never watched it before). There are so many old series that were always good, i.e. The Dick Van Dyke Show and others. Of course I am now overdoing it. My eyes are itching, I have The Closer (iTunes) series waiting for me. There not enough hours in the day to entertain myself.

I forgot I have two great books that I am dying to read. ;)
Started to watch Entourage. Its a pretty good show! I started season 1 like 2 weeks ago, and I am now on season 4
I'm waiching gundam00. I've re-encoded from 1080p mkv to 1024x768 mp4 using handbreaks apple TV setting with modified resolution. It's stretched vertically to fill the ipads screen at native res and it looks fantastic.
StarTrek 2009, of course.
Forbidden Kingdom, Jackie Chan and Jet Li together. Not bad, not great, but not bad.
Kickass was a lot better than I thought it would be (the folks who recommended, almost insisted, that I watch it weren't very good at describing it).
Podcasts - Tekzilla, Diggnation, Buzz Report, Geek Beat, etc.
Some of the free episodes from iTunes - Fringe, The Gates, SGU, Doctor Who, Torchwood, etc.
Since I hadn't seen Star Trek: Enterprise, I took advantage of iTunes special pricing and downloaded the first three seasons. Unfortunately, season four seems to have some technical problems, and is missing two of the episodes. Been that way for months now, hope they resolve the situation soon.
Netflix is fantastic, live TV via Elgato EyeTV HD, and Hulu Plus but the ads in the middle of a good movie horrendously jarring. I'll stay with Hulu until HBO and other non commercialized competitors are established then I will drop it.
I have Netflix (best program in the world). I use the streaming on the iPad to catch up on series and stuff, and then when DVD's come in the mail, I rip them to the MBP, transfer them to the iPad, and then when I'm off on a layover (I'm a pilot) I watch them. Then the normally get deleted. I can't keep a bunch of movies around, and besides it's technically illegal, but I feel better after deleting them. I just don't have time to sit around at home and watch DVD's.

So to answer your question - I watch a bit of everything!
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