I have been (slowly)- not because I don't get it, just because I don't have that much time to put into it- trying to teach myself to program for the Mac (and iPhone, eventually) with Kochan's book and Hillegasses' book. The first time I looked at Hillegasses' book (before reading Kochan's) I was like huh? so I put the book down and started reading Kochan's book. After reading Kochan's book (or most of it, I didn't go into the very last advanced parts), Hillegasse's book began to make some sense to me. I understood the exercises, and was able to do the challenges by looking back into the examples in the chapter- and although I wasn't able to do all the methods by memorization- I guess I should give myself some credit for being able to do the challenges, right? The only thing that worries me is that I don't really have all the methods memorized yet- I wouldn't really consider myself "fluent" in objective-C. Do you think that my way of learning is flawed or I should keep doing what I'm doing and it will come naturally? What were your experiences like?