Now that the time is past, what was your favorite statement regarding how Apple would never do this thing that they’ve done?
One of mine is (from earlier this year even!)
“This prediction is of course silly. Sorry. This rumor has been around since 2013 and has been consistently nonsense. It will continue to be nonsense.
So what might actually happen? A new iOS device form factor. Let's call it an iOS Book. That's all.
There will not be any method to recompile Intel CISC based macOS software for RISC based ARM CPUs. Not Gonna Happen. Hit, thrash and trash me all you like. But anyone who graduated from Computing 101 knows exactly why this is the case. Please go educate yourself and let this silly rumor die at long last. Let your ignorance die as well. And no, this isn't troll bait. This is speaking truth to absurdity.”
One of mine is (from earlier this year even!)
“This prediction is of course silly. Sorry. This rumor has been around since 2013 and has been consistently nonsense. It will continue to be nonsense.
So what might actually happen? A new iOS device form factor. Let's call it an iOS Book. That's all.
There will not be any method to recompile Intel CISC based macOS software for RISC based ARM CPUs. Not Gonna Happen. Hit, thrash and trash me all you like. But anyone who graduated from Computing 101 knows exactly why this is the case. Please go educate yourself and let this silly rumor die at long last. Let your ignorance die as well. And no, this isn't troll bait. This is speaking truth to absurdity.”