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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 14, 2014
Anyone have any thoughts what apple will change or keep the same? I would love to see more flexibility in iTunes and hope they give us more options to do so.

I would love to be able to change the sizes of our album covers, as once you have over 70 albums, it becomes a pain to keep scrolling up and down. Also maybe a dark version of iTunes? :rolleyes:

Maybe i'm just hoping for too much and that they'll end up making the same thing but with the "Yosemite" appearance. :(

Here are a few concept images of what the next iTunes may look like:
I like the pink colored/tinted controls, like on iOS. This could have been a great addition in Yosemite actually to, you know, add a little more personality and distinction to the applications. Ex : In Office, Word has everything Blue, Excel has everything Green and Powerpoint has everything Red !

I hope the trafic light buttons get vertically aligned in the middle in the top toolbar. If they're not, it'll be consistent throughout the entire OS, where when opening an application you have no idea whether the trafic lights will be vertically aligned in the middle or at the top. (ex : Safari has them in the middle like a bunch of apps, Mail doesn't like a bunch of apps, I guess the inconsistency is the consistency here).

PS : Great choice of album BTW, this is the one I've been listening to since the past month already :)
Please can somebody confirm that local syncing over USB for contacts and calendars is back. I'm still running Mountain Lion at the moment because of this issue but would love to update to Yosemite when it is released.
I think there's little doubt it's going to borrow very heavily from iOS 8's iTunes. I think one of the concepts you posted hits the nail on the head:


The sidebar is also going to obviously be translucent like the Finder's. I don't think there's a whole lot left to the imagination — there are plenty of design cues all over Yosemite and iOS 8 to get a clear idea of what it will look like.
One can only hope the final build that is released looks similar to thouse mock ups. There's been an update.
The album-specific background colors for Album View have been modified, now they have this stupid cloudy gradient. This means that solid-colored album arts look terrible floating on top of that.
The album-specific background colors for Album View have been modified, now they have this stupid cloudy gradient. This means that solid-colored album arts look terrible floating on top of that.

Yeah, they now show a very blurred version of the album artwork instead of a gradient based on the most used color.
I have it when I click on my Playlists.

ja but its annoying to not have music, video, tv shows, apps below each other in the list + i cant see how many eps i have left to watch or how many app updates are available easily cuz the number is no longer next to the name. also what is the point of "playlists" in the movie and tv show section when it shows you the MUSIC??? makes no sense
Damn, I actually preferred the concept pictures rather than the real update. Such a shame
I really don't understand Apple's view on UI with iTunes.

The past few of iTunes releases have always had a unique, yet inconsistent design to the rest of OS X. I really don't get it - all they had to do is the same thing they did with the Finder from Mavericks. i.e update the icons a little (as long as they don't use that god awful colour of blue that they do for folders) and make the sidebar translucent.

And then fix the previous iTunes inconsistencies - get rid of the custom right click menus and custom progress bars. Even the iTunes Store within iTunes isn't consistent with the rest of the iTunes interface - the height of the bar for one, the menus in the iTunes Store, the titles have gradients on them (I have not personally used the new iTunes, and these are UI inconsistencies from 10.9, but from screenshots it looks like they haven't fixed it)

The new iTunes looks like what we envisioned OS X based on iOS7 might be like. The rest of OS X Yosemite isn't like that - it's better; the OS X team have done a good job, just not on iTunes.
Can you still access the regular artist view? I assume it would be in the upper-right "Album by Artist" dropdown if it's there at all.

Still there. The difference between selecting "My Music" and "Playlists" at the top is the equivalent of turning on and off the sidebar like in iTunes 11. Very strange. I get why they went there, but it seems so contrived/making sacrifices to not backtrack on the new UI introduced in 11.



Also haven't seen anyone post the new "song details" window:

Still there. The difference between selecting "My Music" and "Playlists" at the top is the equivalent of turning on and off the sidebar like in iTunes 11. Very strange. I get why they went there, but it seems so contrived/making sacrifices to not backtrack on the new UI introduced in 11.

Thanks! I was kinda worried there. Artist view seems like a given, but Apple's done weirder things in the past. I had to completely abandon the default Music app in iOS because of how arduous its interface became in iOS 7.

iTunes certainly has a weird UI, but thankfully it doesn't look any more time consuming to use with 12.
I love the new iTunes design, i'm currently listening to some music on it as I type this but I have to admit... I expected more.

Apple needs to step their efforts up, because when you have people creating BETTER concept designs than your actual products then it's just embarrassing. I think Apple needs a fresh new group of interface designers, but that's just my opinion.
You can thank Apple having to release iTunes for Windows for why the UI has always been out of sync with the OS proper. It’s not a native window and renders its own mock OS X UI which never feels quite right.

It’s also the reason why it’s still a behemoth and haven’t been given a proper rewrite.
I think there's little doubt it's going to borrow very heavily from iOS 8's iTunes. I think one of the concepts you posted hits the nail on the head:


The sidebar is also going to obviously be translucent like the Finder's. I don't think there's a whole lot left to the imagination — there are plenty of design cues all over Yosemite and iOS 8 to get a clear idea of what it will look like.

Wow, I love that so much. But they have to keep in mind the fact they offer it on Windows too.
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