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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 12, 2008
Let's say you has access to 18+ iPads, an HD video camera, top of the line video editing and animation software, and a bunch of free time. And let's say that you're creative, but having trouble coming up with a really cool idea -- writer's block, if you will.

What would you do to show off your abilities while the iPad(s)? Animation that runs on all the iPads and "moves" between them? Video wall? The worlds first and largest iPad RickRoll?

I'm looking for ideas here. Anything at all that isn't destructive.

So, what would you do with 18+ iPads?
I would create not just a video wall - but an installation

Perhaps 4 (a 2x2) here and then a 6 (2/2/2) and then an 6 (3/2) mini-walls and then have a real person (who has one ipad) interact with various things. IE - have an animated dog that the person pets and slides a bone over from his iPad to the dog and then it walks off one mini wall and over to the other a few feet away to bury it.

Have the live actor sprinkle confetti down behind another ipad mini wall which shows a planting pot and then takes his ipad, draws the sun and holds it over the mini wall and the flowers bloom on the mini wall

cool stuff like that
I would keep one for my self, give a few to family and friends and the rest I would sell for a high price in countries where the iPad isn't available.
Proof positive that people have reading comprehension problems here LOL

As the OP stated (twice) - he as ACCESS to 18 iPads he won't OWN 18 iPads to resell or whatever...
Let's say you has access to 18+ iPads, an HD video camera, top of the line video editing and animation software, and a bunch of free time. And let's say that you're creative, but having trouble coming up with a really cool idea -- writer's block, if you will.

What would you do to show off your abilities while the iPad(s)? Animation that runs on all the iPads and "moves" between them? Video wall? The worlds first and largest iPad RickRoll?

I'm looking for ideas here. Anything at all that isn't destructive.

So, what would you do with 18+ iPads?

1. use them a time machine to go back to the future and meet Marty McFly
2. Once i'm back to the future i would disassemble them and use as individual hover boards
Well if i cant sell them, i would destroy them in various ways.

Since i cant destroy them, i would give them away

since i probably cant give them away, i would leave them all around the house and never use them.

How bout this??? Set up speakers all around the house, drill them into walls and tables in various places, then use the remote app to control your itunes library and play on the speakers from anywhere.
18? That sounds like the number of competing tablet PC we'll see this year. I'd put each iPad next to a different competitor, then film each set doing the same task beginning at the same moment. Each of the 18 sets would have a different task. Tasks like:

Flip (slide) between photos in the photo app.
Zooming in on a specific small detail of a huge photo.
Start playing a song after the song is selected from a list.
Compare the music play screens.
Follow the process to enter an email account.
Loading and displaying the same web pages.
Finding and installing a free app to play Sudoku.
Typing "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." in a word processor using the on-screen keyboard.
Changing screen orientation when the device is rotated or flipped over.
Finding and displaying the device's location in a mapping app.
Receiving an alert notice for an incoming email, and an alert for an upcoming appointment.
Show how to speed up and slowing down the playback of an audio file with and without the pitch changing.
Turn the volume all the way up to compare the onboard speaker(s).
Show the music playing in the background while checking the weather, and how easy it is to call up the shuttle control for music.
15 Show how the same 720p video appears on both screens.
Take both devices out into the sun to compare how easy (or hard) it is to see the screen.
Put both on a scale to compare weights.
Show how fast each boots up to a usable screen when powered on from the completely OFF state.

4D encourages and welcomes different opinions. Pile them on. ;)
Let's say you has access to 18+ iPads, an HD video camera, top of the line video editing and animation software, and a bunch of free time. And let's say that you're creative, but having trouble coming up with a really cool idea -- writer's block, if you will.

What would you do to show off your abilities while the iPad(s)? Animation that runs on all the iPads and "moves" between them? Video wall? The worlds first and largest iPad RickRoll?

I'm looking for ideas here. Anything at all that isn't destructive.

So, what would you do with 18+ iPads?

are they stolen?
With 16 you could make a sort of cube with 4 screens on each vertical face. Then you could make a walk-around video. Sort of like a walk-around hologram. You could shoot video from four sides around performers. Say a standup comic, a TV news reader, or a story teller reading a book to children. Then people who watch the video could see from behind or beside the performer, not just from the front.

With 16 you could make a sort of cube with 4 screens on each vertical face. Then you could make a walk-around video. Sort of like a walk-around hologram.

I really like this idea. I had only been thinking in 2D before, but a cube is interesting.
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