Charging from the Wall or Charging from my iMac? I usually just charge from my iMac, but I would still like to see what's better.
Charging from the Wall or Charging from my iMac? I usually just charge from my iMac, but I would still like to see what's better.
Okay, so it's a faster charge through the Wall.
What about the Battery's health..or life, what would be better for the battery itself?
Battery should be fine. I think the charge cycles are in the 300-500 range. But haven't you plugged it into your Mac and it'll say on the screen next to the battery, "Not Charging"? Mine does.
So I think you really don't have a choice.
But it's still slower than through the wall adapter.Some newer Macs provide enough power on their USB ports to charge the iPad.
...just remember to once a month use it until it reaches 0% and then charge it to 100% (This is supposed to help conserve the battery)
What you're referring to is a problem with older type batteries, that suffered from a memory effect. This causes the battery to incorrectly show low or no charge when it still had some remaining. This is no longer the case with newer batteries which are based on lithium. In fact it may be harmful to go to 0% on Lithium based batteries, take a look at this article: said:Exercise Your Machine
Lithium-ion polymer batteries need to be used for maximum performance. If you dont use your device often, be sure to complete a charge cycle at least once a month. Click the links below to add regular reminders to your iCal calendar.
It's a lot faster if you use the wall adapter, thus I think it should also be better for the battery, nontheless I think it shouldn't matter that much, just remember to once a month use it until it reaches 0% and then charge it to 100% (This is supposed to help conserve the battery)
Apple recommends completely discharging lithium batteries at least once a month for maximum life/usability. It's on their site.
Hmmm thats interesting. I've also always thought it was good to let the battery die once a month. I've heard the Apple Geniuses says this to customers quite a few times. However now I really don't know...
Hmmm thats interesting. I've also always thought it was good to let the battery die once a month. I've heard the Apple Geniuses says this to customers quite a few times. However now I really don't know...
Some newer Macs provide enough power on their USB ports to charge the iPad.
Hmmm thats interesting. I've also always thought it was good to let the battery die once a month. I've heard the Apple Geniuses says this to customers quite a few times. However now I really don't know...
Battery should be fine. I think the charge cycles are in the 300-500 range. But haven't you plugged it into your Mac and it'll say on the screen next to the battery, "Not Charging"? Mine does.
So I think you really don't have a choice.
Not a good idea, it's harmful for modern Lithium batteries.
It’s a method used for “old” types of batteries.
Misleading info and/or incomplete info. Please read about batteries at Battary University and then you can give more acurate advice.I heard the same advice from a Segway engineer. However, he was referring to NiMH batteries, and as Segway moved to lithium-ion, they stopped recommending it. I can't imagine that the same advice doesn't apply to NiMH vs. Lithium-ion batteries in general. I just plug in my iDevices whenever I can and don't worry about it.