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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 8, 2005
last night i was rendering some video nwo everyonce in a while my screen will turn blue adn go back. i tried restarting and it still does it. whats going on
t1rider321 said:
last night i was rendering some video nwo everyonce in a while my screen will turn blue adn go back. i tried restarting and it still does it. whats going on
I don't know much about this issue. But to get better assistance some basic facts would help others to help you... What computer? What OS? What software were you using? Etc.
Specs would help.

I don't think rendering would affect anything.

Check the cable?

How old is the screen? Are you sure it isn't the backlight going out?
i have a mac mini
1 gig of ram

it dindt do it while it was rending it did it when i was done, the blue comes up and has a shadow around it like a osx shadow. now everythig is running really slow and my mouse is lagging
If you start up from the install disks, does it play normally? If so, try verifying your disk using the Disk Utility provided on these disks. :)
Maybe your video software has left a huge temporary file on your hard disc and you've got no space left on it for page-outs, memory swopping etc. Maybe....
stevep said:
Maybe your video software has left a huge temporary file on your hard disc and you've got no space left on it for page-outs, memory swopping etc. Maybe....
i have 40 gigs left, wehre can i calean out my temp files?
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