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macrumors 601
Original poster
May 29, 2005
What's going on? Look at the iMac, according to the buyer's guide, the iMac hasn't seen an update for 225 days. Usual is 183. The iPod has almost gotten a year old! The Mac mini? 176 compared to a usual 138.

Is it just me or WTF is going on with updating crap? :(
Sales are good. And there's not much to upgrade, meroms aren't out yet and there's nothing right now that's threatening the iPods stature.
lilstewart said:
What's going on? Look at the iMac, according to the buyer's guide, the iMac hasn't seen an update for 225 days. Usual is 183. The iPod has almost gotten a year old! The Mac mini? 176 compared to a usual 138.

Is it just me or WTF is going on with updating crap? :(

I hear Apple has been in the process of transitioning their -entire- computer line-up to a new hardware platform. Maybe this has something to do with the delays?
tipdrill407 said:
Sales are good. And there's not much to upgrade, meroms aren't out yet and there's nothing right now that's threatening the iPods stature.

Remember, Intel chips have come on the scene and that has taken quite a bit of resources to pull off. As long as sales are going well and new and inventive things are being done there may not need to be as many hardware innovations...things sort of take cycles anyway...more software innovations...then more hardware...etc. I think we are on the verge of seing quite a few hardware innovations within the next 8 months.
I think it's just the Intel transition and Intel's own transition to the Core Duo line. If you look at Intel themselves, it's not like they've been madly introducing speed bumps to Core Duo. Their priority is getting Core Duo in computers using older Intel processors and getting C2D out. Apple's priority has in turn been getting Core Duo in their entire line. Which they did incredibly quickly.

On the iPod line though, it has been quite a while. My personal bet is that they'll have one round of updates to the main iPod and maybe the Nano sometime on the later end of the before-the-start-of-Christmas-shopping-season, i.e. in a month or two....
phairphan said:
I hear Apple has been in the process of transitioning their -entire- computer line-up to a new hardware platform. Maybe this has something to do with the delays?
It's been 9 months, and please don't disrespect me. :rolleyes:
steamboat26 said:
I hope that minis don't get merom because that will kill the resale value of mine...
Yes and no. Probably $450.

and there aint no way they're getting merom ;)
they have had some products in the core duo product line for around 8 months now though. They haven't updated them at all (or at least not the imac) and there really needs to be some differentiating between the imac and the macbook or the macbook pro. Currently you can get a laptop loaded for less than a 20" imac. The imac is basically no different than buying a notebook which is sad! i think there should be updates to it. Soon it should get a real desktop processor: conroe (cheaper than mermon or yonah and faster!!):D
freakonguitar said:
The imac is basically no different than buying a notebook which is sad! :D

Only that one is portable and one you don't have to hunch down or squint to view.:D

I personally think it is great that the iMac is no different. They are two totally different users that buy them. I do like my laptop but it does hurt my next to use it too much so I go between both my iBook and my desktop. I also like the screen space my iMac has vs. my small 12" iBook.
thats true, but i still feel that a desktop should have a bit more of a performance gain over a notebook. everywhere else i have looked i see faster desktops over laptops. :) I really need a desktop soon, but i would like it to be more powerful and worth keeping for 4-5 years as a primary machine next to my ibook
btw. if you are tired of hunching over your notebook. Do what i have done. When at home you use an external keyboard and mouse and tilt the notebook to a comfortable angle for the screen or put it up on some books :D
lilstewart said:
It's been 9 months, and please don't disrespect me. :rolleyes:

Oh God owned. Anyway, lilstewart, the person you quoted, then attacked, is right. They have had so much work to do, that they haven't gotten around to updating their products in usual time. Now that everything is transitioned (I'm still holding out for a 12" MBP....PLEASE APPLE!) I think we are going to see updates on more regular intervals...
freakonguitar said:
Do what i have done. When at home you use an external keyboard and mouse and tilt the notebook to a comfortable angle for the screen or put it up on some books :D
Yeah, I actually got one off those kensington desktop stands and a keyboard to use at my school which I love, but at home I tend to get lazy and end up having a sore neck.

I look at is that Apple is doing such a good job in their laptops that they are as fast or faster than the consumer desktop which is a positive thing really- since they are a pro machine.
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