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jw nyc

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 31, 2008
I missed this app before it got pulled from the app store and I'm looking for an app with similar functions. Does anyone know if/when Camera+ will be back in the app store or what other app has similar functions? Thanks.
There are probably quite a few with similar features, but i'd say it will be added back once the Easter Egg is gone. Just a guess.
Camera Plus was one that i was looking at that was fairly similar

Camera Plus has gotten pretty bad reviews and people say they are trying to capitalize on Camera+ being kicked out of the app store by having the same name.
Hiding features that Apple has requested removed rather than removing them usually means 1 year ban for the developers account.
Any update!?! I'm waiting for Camera+ to come back to the app store!
Any update!?! I'm waiting for Camera+ to come back to the app store!

No, nobody has heard anything and nobody from TapTapTap has said a peep on their blog, their twitter feeds or anything. No word from Lisa Bentley either.

If there is any change, it will be posted their first.
There's Pudding camera.

It has lens filters and various picture modes. Really cool app.

The only down side its that the app is in korean, so all the settings all in korean. Since its so simple to use, the language barrier its non existent.

BTW, its a free app.
I'm going to be an unhappy camper if iOS 4.1 breaks the last version of Camera+, and taptaptap never gets the app back on the store.
From reading the blog comments on the Tap Tap Tap site, I'm guessing that camera+ will never hit the app store again - have a look at the comments for their other apps - Seems's like they have form for releasing an app taking the money then never updating it
I'm very disappointed in the developers of Camera+. I've sent them several emails (I am a customer) and they can't be bothered to reply.

I'm also disappointed in Apple. I can understand why they had to remove the app from the store but surely they could have worked something out with tap tap tap by now. It's interesting that they have these policies for the benefit of the customer and yet they've rubbed out one of the coolest apps available for the iPhone and the customer loses.
I'm also disappointed in Apple. I can understand why they had to remove the app from the store but surely they could have worked something out with tap tap tap by now. It's interesting that they have these policies for the benefit of the customer and yet they've rubbed out one of the coolest apps available for the iPhone and the customer loses.

If the customer looses it is the fault of TapTapTap. They broke the rules and payed sneaky about it. Try that in the real world and see how that works - hint it does not.

For anyone that's pissed off with this debacle, Lisa Bettany is back on twitter for the first time since the app was pulled

I don't use it but others might want to abuse her

I wouldn't - everything I have heard suggests that she cannot speak on the subject without the approval of TapTapTap.

Lisa is not at fault here and does not deserve harassment on something that is out of her control.
If the customer looses it is the fault of TapTapTap. They broke the rules and payed sneaky about it. Try that in the real world and see how that works - hint it does not.

I wouldn't - everything I have heard suggests that she cannot speak on the subject without the approval of TapTapTap.

Lisa is not at fault here and does not deserve harassment on something that is out of her control.

It doesn't particularly bother me (beyond I missed out on the app by hours) but from what I've read Lisa spent a lot of time promoting the app on twitter and she works for tap tap tap, she's fair game, imo
It doesn't particularly bother me (beyond I missed out on the app by hours) but from what I've read Lisa spent a lot of time promoting the app on twitter and she works for tap tap tap, she's fair game, imo

From what I understand, she just helped with the presets - she didn't have any involvement with VolumeSnap other than liking the feature. I can find nowhere on her site where she is listed as an employee of TapTapTap. Please provide a citation that she is anything beyond a consultant (which is not an employee)

I can promote lots of things too, doesn't mean complaining to me is going to help. Just because Lisa promoted TapTapTap doesn't entitle anybody to assail her for something that was not her doing.
From what I understand, she just helped with the presets - she didn't have any involvement with VolumeSnap other than liking the feature. I can find nowhere on her site where she is listed as an employee of TapTapTap. Please provide a citation that she is anything beyond a consultant (which is not an employee)

I can promote lots of things too, doesn't mean complaining to me is going to help. Just because Lisa promoted TapTapTap doesn't entitle anybody to assail her for something that was not her doing.


Lisa Bettany, aka Mostly Lisa, handles all of our video needs. She’s also working closely with us on an upcoming app… we won’t spoil the surprise yet, though. Lisa’s one of the busiest people on the planet… when she’s not out taking in one of her favorite passions, photography, she can often be seen on one of the many tech podcasts including TWiP (This Week in Photography), MacBreak, MacBreak Weekly, TWIT (This Week in Tech). Lisa’s evil twin has also been spotted around the MacHeist headquarters. And what she’d want more than anything in this world is for you to follow her on Twitter.

She was complicit on the whole scam, read the rest of the blog posts, as I said earlier, tap tap tap have form for this

Lisa's flickr say's this

Celebrating my new iPhone photo app, Camera+

Camera+, the App that I've been working on for over a year with tap tap tap, is now available in the App Store. Woooo! *does a happy dance*

Lisa Bettany, aka Mostly Lisa, handles all of our video needs. She’s also working closely with us on an upcoming app… we won’t spoil the surprise yet, though. Lisa’s one of the busiest people on the planet… when she’s not out taking in one of her favorite passions, photography, she can often be seen on one of the many tech podcasts including TWiP (This Week in Photography), MacBreak, MacBreak Weekly, TWIT (This Week in Tech). Lisa’s evil twin has also been spotted around the MacHeist headquarters. And what she’d want more than anything in this world is for you to follow her on Twitter.

OK, according to your summary she is the video person. And she was working with them on Camera +. I'll grant you that consession

She was complicit on the whole scam, read the rest of the blog posts, as I said earlier, tap tap tap have form for this

But Im going to need more proof with the statement that she was complicit with the whole scam. I can find no proof that she was doing any program or she had any part of the concealment of volume snap. Nowhere on TapTapTap's site is she listed as a programmer of the application.

I have read all the blog posts - it isn't enough to harass anybody specifically. You are assuming that she was involved in hiding volume snap - we have no proof of this. Even the official website for the app only mentions her under the effects portion. We simply so not know the extent of her involvement and she has already made it clear to Leo Laporte that she can't talk about it.

I will concede the employment part, but I find the more likely scenario to be that she was a consultant to the program but not the actual programmer. She probably knew about the feature being implemented as an update but thought that once it got rejected that was that (it has been rejected once before). I haven't seen any proof that she was involved with these shenanigans - Noteably becasue Lisa hasn't said anything beyond expressing disappointment about it's rejection.

Lisa is just one person in TapTapTap. She is not the entire company.
what are you Lisa's sister?

No. I have no relation to Lisa whatsoever and for the record I happen to be a male.

What part of this won't you concede?

Celebrating my new iPhone photo app, Camera+

Camera+, the App that I've been working on for over a year with tap tap tap, is now available in the App Store. Woooo! *does a happy dance*

None of that tells us how deep her involvement was with the programming part of things. The comments aren't really specific. I knew that she was part of the app's development, but the App actually is the property of TapTapTap, not Lisa Bettany Inc. Heck, even if she didn't write one line of code, she can legitimately say that.

And funnily enough her twitter feed has deleted the comments about the volume snap :rolleyes:
Which can mean anything. Perhaps her employer required it for some unknown reason. I still don't consider that any proof. We literally have no proof to make any solid accusations since nobody has said anything.

Now if you can find a smoking gun where Lisa suggests that she wrote the code herself or something that implies that she was directly involved in covering up the feature (which could have been done by anybody).

All I am trying to do is to protect somebody who may or may not be innocent. Lisa has not said anything that can conclusively lead us to believe that she has anything to do with this. If we start inundating her with tweets on this she is more apt not to reply at all.

Besides, our anger should be directed at the people who actually own the app - TapTapTap. Lisa isn't going to be able to tell us anything. If she could have, we would have heard by now.
Camera Plus has gotten pretty bad reviews and people say they are trying to capitalize on Camera+ being kicked out of the app store by having the same name.

I've never used either app, but I'm pretty sure that Camera Plus was actually in the app store before Camera+. (the day Camera+ came out, I remember being surprised they used a name so similar to the other one)
the developers screwed apple twice and i'll be surprised if apple let's them back in. don't put hidden features in folks. idiots
the developers screwed apple twice and i'll be surprised if apple let's them back in. don't put hidden features in folks. idiots

Apple makes money too.

As I said before, it's the customer that loses. It will be a shame if Apple can't work something out with them and this is the kind of thing that will drive customers and developers to other platforms. It might not happen immediately but it will happen.
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