The update also adds a new feature, the ability to put the current temp and weather icon on your status bar. In order to enable this features, you will need to ssh into the /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/com.ashman.WeatherIcon.plist folder on your iPhone or iPod Touch and change the ShowStatusBarImage and ShowStatusBarTemp options to True (they default as False). Or, if you are looking for an easier way to turn on the status bar icons, Supreme Preferences was updated overnight to include these options. In order to use Supreme Preferences, you will need to install the application, activate it via WinterBoard, go into your stock Settings application, select Supreme Preferences, select the Applications option, select the Jailbroken option, select the Weather Icon option and then turn on both the Status Bar Image and Status Bar Temperature options. You can then go back to your SpringBoard and the temp and weather icon will display on your status bar. It will display whatever theme icons you have turned on, Katra or Klear. Either way you do it
it is a pretty cool mod!