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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 26, 2012
Not to get in the way of everyone enjoying their new devices, but I'm finding myself wondering what's next for iPad beyond this generation, and those of you who just purchased the new Pro should like what you read below.

It seems to me that Apple has spent a TON on R&D to get the specs to where they are in these new Pro models, as well as in the new two newest iPhone cycles. But why? Are there really that many creative professionals out there who perform tasks requiring this kind of power on an iPad? Do we really need this kind of power to take notes and consume media?

Also, why the sudden price hike? It seems unlike Apple to change pricing so drastically without creating real additional value. They've always been so focused on customer service and experience (albeit at a premium, but the recent price hikes have been drastic).

I'm starting to believe that the performance improvements to the new iPad Pro and iPhone models (starting with the X), as well as the pricing model changes to both product lines (last year's iPhone X and this year's iPad Pro), are indicative of an upcoming paradigm shift for Apple.

The Surface has been an incredible success for Microsoft (seems like I see it everywhere) because it gives people both a tablet and a streamlined yet powerful enough PC to get things done for work. The problem is that it's essentially 2 experiences in 1, rather than one singular experience that enables the user to do all things. It also is neither the best tablet nor the best PC, but it is likely the best all around hybrid device - Apple tends to avoid making products with trade-offs like this, and I'll get back to this point.

When Apple started making their own chips years ago, I wondered why, and I had a feeling it was with the goal of simply implementing them across all of their product lines. Well now I'm thinking... different(ly).

I'm starting to feel pretty confident that Apple is going to roll out an entirely new operating system in the near future, and I think the power spikes in the new iPad Pro and iPhones over the last two years have been because they want this OS to be compatible with at least some existing devices so as to not leave their more recent high-end customers hanging.

I'm envisioning an OS that would allow the iPad Pro to function as both a tablet and a PC in one singular mode. It won't be MacOS, and it won't be iOS. Maybe aOS? It wouldn't provide the best tablet experience or the best PC experience - it would provide a totally new experience which would become the new norm for both work and leisure. Initially, I would think that we'd see a merging of the iPad and Mac product lines (with exception in the near-term to the powerhouse macs at the top of the food chain), but I would think that eventually Apple will merge the iPhone product line as well, and just sell variations of one device that can be used to do it all, as well as add-ons that create additional value (like larger displays, input devices, etc).

And wouldn't it be funny if it turns out that the reason Apple will no longer be reporting unit sales of specific iPhone, iPad and Mac product lines is because they're going to be integrating them together?

One other off-topic note: the lack of any discussion around AppleTV, Air Pods or Home Pod at the most recent event has me thinking that Apple is gearing up for a new event - one focused on media and the consumption of it. I think they'll reveal their streaming service at it.
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Well I would hope that they improve the software to the point that you described.
Right now though it feels like they’re using the iPad processors as a huge open test lab to experiment with their own chips until they will be so far ahead of Intel, that they can happily put them into the new Mac Pro and MacBooks in 2020.

But it would be pretty cool if they started over with Apple OS 1.
Well I would hope that they improve the software to the point that you described.
Right now though it feels like they’re using the iPad processors as a huge open test lab to experiment with their own chips until they will be so far ahead of Intel, that they can happily put them into the new Mac Pro and MacBooks in 2020.

Right - I initially thought the same thing, but I think the bigger goal has to be to create a new device type that will ACTUALLY be all you need, like how they market the iPad. Customers are getting tired of the iPad not being able to do more (I see it all over this forum), and we've gotten to a point with laptops, tablets and phones that better specs don't really have a large enough impact on functionality for a lot of people to justify the leap. Apple is well aware of this and I can't imagine that they're not working on the next leap forward.
I think this design is foreshadowing the future of iPads and iPhone. Specifically, I think the square shape with its flatter screen will be eventually lead us to a foldable iPad or iPhone.

Even apple’s patent applications for foldable devices showed a phone that had more of a square shape.
I hope the pro design trickles down to poor man's ipad. Any idea if Apple will oblige?
I think this design is foreshadowing the future of iPads and iPhone. Specifically, I think the square shape with its flatter screen will be eventually lead us to a foldable iPad or iPhone.

Even apple’s patent applications for foldable devices showed a phone that had more of a square shape.

That could be. I actually just saw this quote on the Macrumors front page: "On the topic of why Apple designs its own custom silicon, Shimpi said the company wants to make sure it can deliver 'whatever vision" it has for a given product.'" That's exactly what I was getting at with Apple providing more powerful chips now so that current products will be compatible with a new OS!
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Right - I initially thought the same thing, but I think the bigger goal has to be to create a new device type that will ACTUALLY be all you need, like how they market the iPad. Customers are getting tired of the iPad not being able to do more (I see it all over this forum), and we've gotten to a point with laptops, tablets and phones that better specs don't really have a large enough impact on functionality for a lot of people to justify the leap. Apple is well aware of this and I can't imagine that they're not working on the next leap forward.
Let’s hope that’s what they’re aiming for, because right now it’s an annoying situation, can’t dump the MacBook entirely, bu loooove the iPad, so I always have to bring both if I’m away form home longer than a few days.
So I don’t think the iPad will get yet another form factor change in the next year or two after this one. What I am thinking is that next year we will see a new keyboard accessory. A keyboard/trackpad/battery cover for the iPad Pro - aluminum enclosure shaped the same as the iPad, with extra battery included to help weigh down the bottom. The back attaches with magnets and the smart connector but instead of a “stand” like the current cover, it instead has a hinge that allows it to sit like a laptop.

Makes great sense from a business perspective as you aren’t going to get people to buy a $1500 iPad every year, but you can get those $1500 iPad owners to buy a new $300 accessory.
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I think the future of the iPad will be making OS and, if necessary, minor hardware upgrades to give it more laptop like capabilities. Meaning, anything you can do on your computer, can also be done on an iPad. The forward vision, is to make this be the new laptop. I don't think chip speed is preventing that right. These are plenty powerful.
I can see them forking iOS into iPados and iPhoneos, but, they will most likely still be very similar with just minor changes based off of exclusive features for each type.

As for what’s new I see oled, higher 3X resolution, better camera and 3D Touch.
I completely agree with the OP, and I've been saying for ages that what the iPad Pro really need to reach its full potential is NOT more specs, but simply an advanced version of iOS: a iOS Pro, as I would call it.

Let's be honest: the iPad Pro is overpowered for the kind of usage the current iOS and Apps provide. In fact, the last generation of iPad Pros were already overpowered CPU+GPU wise. It does NOT need stronger CPU, more resolution, more speed, better audio, better camera, higher screen refresh rate, thinner bezels, etc. All that is already amazing! Unfortunately, this product has long been capped out by its operating system, not by its hardware.

Many YouTubers are reaching the same conclusion in their reviews: it's undoubtedly a technological marvel... but do I really need so much power (and a $1,000 price tag!) to do the kind of tasks I can adequately perform in iOS?

Where is the future of the iPad Pro, you ask? hopefully, in a new advanced iOS. I cant possibly understand why Apple doesnt see it this way...
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