It depends how close you are to the screen. 1080p will obviously look the best. I haven't really looked into HDR, so I don't have an opinion on that. Would you be able transfer the 8.35Gb file onto your PC or desktop computer to encode the video to a smaller file size if you're concerned about size.
Example... an episode of Frasier (~22 minute) ripped into VOB file from a DVD is about 1.2 GB. Using MeGUI or FFMPEG, I managed to knock it down to about 120mb to 150mb.
Example... Pitch Perfect blu ray is 31.7 GB, encoded/compressed into an mp4 1.7GB file size (I can probably get it down to below 1GB if I re-do the encoding).
MeGUI (free)
ffmpeg (command line encoder) (free)
I had to watch the following video to finally understand how to use ffmpeg. I was actually about to give up on ffmpeg.
The following video was great because he posted a method where I could simply double click on the .bat file to encode any video that I want.
Yes, I love the Pitch Perfect movies. I have both 1 and 2 on blu ray and still need to pick up the 3rd, despite it not being as enjoyable as the 1st and 2nd. I took a screenshot of the actual Blu Ray file (31.7 GB) and the compressed mp4 file (1.7 GB). This was done using Any Video Converter, but I no longer use it because both free MeGUI and FFMPEG does a better job creating smaller file size with the same quality. You can use the popular free software Handbrake, but from my experience, MeGUI and FFMPEG does an even better job at creating smaller file size than Handbrake. MeGUI and FFMPEG is also much faster as well.
Blu Ray Pitch Perfect 1 31.7 GB size
Compressed video file size 1.7GB ( I can probably get it down to less than 1GB using MeGUI or FFMPEG now if I wanted to).
FYI, try the free program MeGUI if you still rip your own DVDs for portability. I compared the encodings for Handbrake, Vidcoder (a program that's basically handbrake that looks different), and MeGUI and MeGUI was vastly superior. Smaller file size and better quality at the same exact bitrate, and also faster as well. Again, essentially default setting.
...superior in the sense that at the same exact bitrate, default settings, I could still see pixelation on the handbrake/vidcoder encodes compared to MeGUI. Oh yeah, vidcoder (GUI of handbrake) is also better than handbrake for whatever reason. In order to get the same image quality as MeGUI, I had to bump up the bitrate for both handbrake and vidcoder.