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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 3, 2006
Hey, I'm relatively new to Macs and I'm wondering what's considered the best news reading software? I use Xnews for Windows, and although it probably isn't the best, it's what I'm used to. I'd like to get used to what is actually considered the best this time around so any suggestions and advice are very welcome. Thanks!
Personally, I like Vienna. I think most people will argue in favor of NetNewsWire, but I like the simplicity of Vienna -- that, and the fact that it's open-source freeware.
I really like Shrook for the Mac.

I used to use NetNewsWire Lite, but never really liked it, then I used the built-in RSS reader in Safari once that came along, but when I switched (back) to Firefox I started using Vienna. Changed to Sage, a Firefox add-on, which I even got working in Bon Echo (aka Firefox 2 alpha) but when I started using Minefield (aka Firefox 3 very early alpha) Sage stopped working. Considered going back to Vienna, but then I found Google Reader, and that seems good enough (for now).

Edit: Considering the clarification two posts down, this post is completely useless for the OP, but could be useful if anybody's looking for an RSS news feed reader... I don't really use newsgroups, so Google Groups is probably good enough for me... :)
Sorry, I should have been more clear. I spend most of my time with alt.binaries. I was hoping for the best reader for those kinds of newsgroups. I downloaded the free trial of Unison and it seems ok. It's not anything like Xnews though so it seems I've got some learning to do. A lot of you guys have suggested Vienna so I downloaded it and I'm trying to figure it out right now. Thanks very much for your help and any other suggestions are of course very welcome.
If you want to use Xnews you should be able to. Install X11 from your install CD/DVD and then install Xnews (probably easiest via Fink or Darwin Ports).
YoYoMa said:
Sorry, I should have been more clear. I spend most of my time with alt.binaries. I was hoping for the best reader for those kinds of newsgroups.

'Scuse the ignorance, but what are alt.binaries and their related newsreaders then? :)
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