We have a first gen iPhone that was bought on release day nearly two ago and will be coming out of its contract.
Since Edge is an outdated piece of crap (admittedly, it was crap even two years ago) and we're not using it much we want to completely disable data. I asked at the AT&T store about the post-contact situation, and they give me the BS line about how I the "terms and services" say that we have to keep the data plan for as long as we use the phone, contract or not.
This was my wife's phone and for various reasons she needs to stay with AT&T. As a result, we can't just switch to another carrier, hack the phone, and use the different sim card. We also can't get her on another plan with AT&T and put the sim card in the iPhone because my understanding is that there's no way to make it not try to emit data.
If we don't use it as a phone, we'd at least like to go on using it as a low-capacity touch.
So what's the best approach? I'm sure other people who are finishing contracts (and those who would be upgrading from 3G to 3Gs) have a similar problem. Is there some official solution for this or does AT&T just expect you to put it in a box forever.
Since Edge is an outdated piece of crap (admittedly, it was crap even two years ago) and we're not using it much we want to completely disable data. I asked at the AT&T store about the post-contact situation, and they give me the BS line about how I the "terms and services" say that we have to keep the data plan for as long as we use the phone, contract or not.
This was my wife's phone and for various reasons she needs to stay with AT&T. As a result, we can't just switch to another carrier, hack the phone, and use the different sim card. We also can't get her on another plan with AT&T and put the sim card in the iPhone because my understanding is that there's no way to make it not try to emit data.
If we don't use it as a phone, we'd at least like to go on using it as a low-capacity touch.
So what's the best approach? I'm sure other people who are finishing contracts (and those who would be upgrading from 3G to 3Gs) have a similar problem. Is there some official solution for this or does AT&T just expect you to put it in a box forever.