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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 16, 2005

So I have this small dilemma. I have two people willing to sell me their MBPs. Here's what I have to choose from:

15" 2.0ghz Macbook Pro
1GB ram
Applecare until 2009
Basically this was the mid-level Macbook Pro being sold at the time of their release.


Stock 17" 2.16ghz MBP

They're being offered to me at around the same price (about a hundred dollars difference) but I don't know which one to choose. I like the 15" because of the Applecare, but I like the 17" because.. well, it's a 17" and has the DL superdrive. But the 17" doesn't come with Applecare, and APP is freaking expensive!

I'd like some insight into the better deal. I can't wait til WWDC. I'm impatient!
What are you going to use the computer for? If you want to carry it around, I would go with the 15" as the 17" isn't very portable.
coastertux said:
What are you going to use the computer for? If you want to carry it around, I would go with the 15" as the 17" isn't very portable.

Oh, I'm sorry. I should have stated that. I'm going to be using it for Final Cut Pro mainly, some internet and email and whatever else. I have a Dell 24" Widescreen LCD so I'm not so worried about the difference in real estate. Plus, the MBP would just be sitting on my desk. I won't be carrying it around or taking it anywhere.
i'd opt for the 15" with the Applecare personally, especially since you don't need the extra screen size. but the faster processor would probably make a noticable difference when using FCP (not that the 2.0Ghz couldn't handle it, though!).
xfiftyfour said:
i'd opt for the 15" with the Applecare personally, especially since you don't need the extra screen size. but the faster processor would probably make a noticable difference when using FCP (not that the 2.0Ghz couldn't handle it, though!).

Assuming you are going to keep it on a desk, I'd go with the 17" because it has the 2.16ghz processor, better for Final Cut. I would also suggest waiting for the MacPro desktops if you don't need a portable. Also keep in mind that you will want to upgrade to the Universal version of Final Cut. You can also always buy the AppleCare warranty for the 17" if you really want it.
Is the 2.16 really that much faster than a 2.0? Like, would I really be able to notice? I've prepared myself and gotten the Universal FCP Suite already and the reason I don't want to jump on a PowerMac or MacPro is because I don't have the space for it in my little apt. I appreciate the comments so far! Help me pick the best one. I intend on keeping it for a long while.
That 17" would be nice with FCP... Timelines stretch better across those extra 2 inches. :D
You can always add APPLECARE anytime within a year of the original Purchase date. It doesnt have to COME with the machine.
Nah, for some reason I don't want an iMac anymore. I guess I just like the look of the portables better.

I really want to get the 17" but I'd rather not have to worry about the extra $350 Applecare. It's just one less thing I'd have to worry about. I want to keep whichever machine I choose for a really long time. I'm tired of my compulsive buying and selling habits. So that might mean I should get the most up to date of the two.
I'd go with the 15". I think it's nicer and the extra VRAM is a nice addition. AppleCare is a nice addition, too, and if you factor in the cost of AppleCare for the 17", it's $350 more than what you think it is, should you choose to buy it.

However, I am not familiar with FCP and I don't know how CPU intensive it is. If people are saying the extra 0.16 GHz will help, then maybe that's the way to go.
marissaaa said:

So I have this small dilemma. I have two people willing to sell me their MBPs. Here's what I have to choose from:

15" 2.0ghz Macbook Pro
1GB ram
Applecare until 2009
Basically this was the mid-level Macbook Pro being sold at the time of their release.


Stock 17" 2.16ghz MBP

They're being offered to me at around the same price (about a hundred dollars difference) but I don't know which one to choose. I like the 15" because of the Applecare, but I like the 17" because.. well, it's a 17" and has the DL superdrive. But the 17" doesn't come with Applecare, and APP is freaking expensive!

I'd like some insight into the better deal. I can't wait til WWDC. I'm impatient!

I'll take the 17" in a heart beat, if you have the extra cash you should go for it.
Miguel0019 said:
I'll take the 17" in a heart beat, if you have the extra cash you should go for it.

Yeah, it's only being offered to me for $100 more than what the 15" is being offered to me at so that's why I'm even considering it. But maybe it'd be better to put that $100 towards another gig of ram for the 15" to max it out.
marissaaa said:
Yeah, it's only being offered to me for $100 more than what the 15" is being offered to me at so that's why I'm even considering it. But maybe it'd be better to put that $100 towards another gig of ram for the 15" to max it out.

This is personally what I'd do. Look at it like this, the extra GHz not being on the 15", it allows you a few more seconds to go get a cup of coffee or a coke while your project is rendering. Plus, you already have a 24" external, so like you said, and extra 2", big whoop. Also, it's got Apple Care already.

Damn these people wanting stuff to be done yesterday...;)
Hytower, that's what I'm thinking. Should I spend $100 for one more gig of ram and end it at that? Or do I spend an extra $100 for the 17", another $100 for ram, and then another $350 for applecare?
If you already got a screen just get the 15in and spend the 100 on ram. Does anyone know if it is two 512mb ram or just 1 gig stick?
Either way, you could get a 1 GB memory stick for $100 (or less even) and sell the old 512 stick so I think the 15" is a better deal. If you find that you NEED the extra .16 GHz (.32 if you count both cores) you can always resell the 15" MBP for more down the road since it has Applecare.
Yeah I'm going to get the 15". It's just sooo much less I have to think about. Although if anyone wants, I'll go get that 17" and sell it to whoever wants it. ;)
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