Trying to wrap my head around this. I use Apple Photos running on the latest version of Catalina to organize my photos, both RAWs and JPEGs. Recently, my wife approached me and asked for me to find three cute photos of our daughter that she can hang on a wall in her home office, now that she will be working form home indefinitely, as well as a bunch of photos for this year's "About me" posters the daycare asked for (which they do every year).
I keep our daughter's photos organized in various albums sorted by occasion, for example photos of her 1st birthday, photos of a specific holiday, etc., as well as one massive catch-all album with all other random (aptly named misc). Here's what I wanted to do: I wanted to create two new albums, one named wall photos the other about me and add a selection of photos to these albums. Since the wall photos need to be in a specific format (5x7 or 4x6) I needed to edit and re-crop some of them. The about me photos I need to either re-crop, enhance, add artistic filters, maybe edit them in Affinity to cut out somebody in the background, etc. Once the photos had been printed I would have deleted both albums.
Unfortunately, I encountered two major issues. The first is that Photos also edited and re-cropped the originals that I kept in my misc album when I started editing the photos in the wall photos album even though I copied (there is clearly a giant green + when dragging and dropping photos in Photos from one album to another) them over into the new album, and I lost my previous edits and crops because I cannot undo them any longer.
For the about me album I took a different approach, having learned from my mistakes and such, and duplicated the photos first. However, this required me to either
a) duplicate in misc album, copy to about me album, remove from misc album, or
b) right click photo, select Show in All Photos, then duplicate and add to about me album
In addition, once I was done editing the photos and removed the album the duplicates remained in my photo library. I know that when selecting photos in an album instead of removing them from the album I can also delete them by holding the command key on my keyboard, however in that specific case I had a mix of "originals" (as in drag & dropped them over from the misc album) that I new would not require any edits and duplicates that I new would. I thus had to double-check for every photo in the about me album whether or not it was duplicate, because I couldn't remember which ones were and which ones weren't.
Does anyone have a better and smarter approach? I know it will only be a matter of months, maybe weeks, until I am faced with this conundrum again.
I keep our daughter's photos organized in various albums sorted by occasion, for example photos of her 1st birthday, photos of a specific holiday, etc., as well as one massive catch-all album with all other random (aptly named misc). Here's what I wanted to do: I wanted to create two new albums, one named wall photos the other about me and add a selection of photos to these albums. Since the wall photos need to be in a specific format (5x7 or 4x6) I needed to edit and re-crop some of them. The about me photos I need to either re-crop, enhance, add artistic filters, maybe edit them in Affinity to cut out somebody in the background, etc. Once the photos had been printed I would have deleted both albums.
Unfortunately, I encountered two major issues. The first is that Photos also edited and re-cropped the originals that I kept in my misc album when I started editing the photos in the wall photos album even though I copied (there is clearly a giant green + when dragging and dropping photos in Photos from one album to another) them over into the new album, and I lost my previous edits and crops because I cannot undo them any longer.
For the about me album I took a different approach, having learned from my mistakes and such, and duplicated the photos first. However, this required me to either
a) duplicate in misc album, copy to about me album, remove from misc album, or
b) right click photo, select Show in All Photos, then duplicate and add to about me album
In addition, once I was done editing the photos and removed the album the duplicates remained in my photo library. I know that when selecting photos in an album instead of removing them from the album I can also delete them by holding the command key on my keyboard, however in that specific case I had a mix of "originals" (as in drag & dropped them over from the misc album) that I new would not require any edits and duplicates that I new would. I thus had to double-check for every photo in the about me album whether or not it was duplicate, because I couldn't remember which ones were and which ones weren't.
Does anyone have a better and smarter approach? I know it will only be a matter of months, maybe weeks, until I am faced with this conundrum again.