Yea, roger that. I was just guessing that if the 160gb ATA was 9.5 tall then the SATA should be identical except for the interface. So what I was thinking that when the SATA version comes out, it should be no problem.
But wow, 200GB. I need that sucker. My itunes library with video could easily use about 100GB for itself. I wonder if you could hammer that 12.5 into that tight slot.
I have a 100GB that is full, I always have to find stuff to delete just to keep it going. The other problem is that I am very impatient, I think a 7200 RPM would make HD access a bit snappier.
Should I wait for larger/ faster drives? I could probably wait a few weeks before I give up and order the current offerings. Any ideas on how soon we could get say a 160GB 7200rpm??????
Or if I go with the current offerings, what should I get. 120Gb is nice, an extra 20 GB then I have now, would come in handy. Or is the performance of the 7200 rpm worth relocating my itunes library to an external? Decisions, decisions.