I mean, this has to be it right? No event in 6+ months, with seemingly nothing planned until June? Probably just to announce what everyone is expecting...an iPhone 5S with a better processor and maybe a Retina iPad Mini.
Yeesh, my Apple fan-boyism is being tested. The Mac gets minimal attention now and my friends are starting to make me look bad with these big screen Galaxy and Nexus phones. Apple, please make a move that isn't followed by disappointment from the masses, which has been the case for a year and a half since the 4S was announced.
Have to admit I'm on the same page here. I'm really surprised we blew through the first quarter without any announcement. Now, here we are heading into the second quarter without an announcement scheduled.
While I appreciate innovation will prove difficult, we now face a situation where Apple is turning into a company with profit hinging on consumer sales in the late third/early fourth quarter. Take my situation as an example. I've purchased an iPad with a part of my first quarter bonus each year for the past two/three years. Last year I tossed in an AppleTV or two for good measure too. Those iPads became available in March each year.
Here is my Apple purchasing in the the first quarter this year by comparsion. Zip, zilch, nada. No announcement in the first quarter means no purchasing of new Apple product in my household. Sure I'm buying on iTunes by I was purchasing on iTunes last year too.
My thinking is the stock market fund managers reached a similar conclusion to mine. Apple this year turned into a company with a focus primarily on third/fourth quarter sales. This focus makes the company like most retailers who consistently view "Black Friday" as their break even day for the year. The only counterweight to this theory is how consumer stocks are doing.
One last point to consider. I was in the SF Stonestown store a couple of times in the last week around 6:30pm each weeknight. The store had more staff than customers. This is the first time I've ever seen the store that empty in early April.
I sure hope Apple can find its mojo again.