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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 3, 2005
ok so I got a great deal on a brand new cs2 upgrade so I couldn't leave it there at the store. now I need a previous version to upgrade from. what's the lowest mac photoshop version I can do that from? thanks!
ok so I got a great deal on a brand new cs2 upgrade so I couldn't leave it there at the store. now I need a previous version to upgrade from. what's the lowest mac photoshop version I can do that from? thanks!

nobody knows this? what about from version 5.5? or 3?
this guy's blog suggests you can upgrade to CS 2 from any previous version you have installed....and I remember somebody with PS 5 telling me the same thing last summer well before CS3 came out.....but I don't know from my own experience

so good luck
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