Investment companies like to tell us that if we had bought a certain stock at a certain time in the past, we would have millions today. You've seen these claims: If you bought into Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, or some other well-known company in their early years, you'd have a fortune now.
Unless you have a crystal ball, it's not really relevant, but those "what ifs" are sometimes fun.
So how would it turn out for Apple? If you had magically bought and sold Apple stock at exactly the right times over the years, how much would you have made?
And if you bought and sold it at exactly the wrong times, how much would you have lost?
Unless you have a crystal ball, it's not really relevant, but those "what ifs" are sometimes fun.
So how would it turn out for Apple? If you had magically bought and sold Apple stock at exactly the right times over the years, how much would you have made?
And if you bought and sold it at exactly the wrong times, how much would you have lost?