Gmail notifications have been around for quite some time now. Do they directly integrate into Notification Center or do they still use Growl?It seems as if certain websites can ask if you want to use notifications when you access the webpage, for example, Gmail.
I had no idea this would happen, but I went to my Gmail account within Safari 6 and noticed a message at the top of the page that said "Click here to enable desktop notifications for Gmail."
So it seems webpages such as google (and who knows who else) can send notifications through safari without the need of a native app.
Here's a screenshot of the message at the top of my gmail page.
Gmail notifications have been around for quite some time now. Do they directly integrate into Notification Center or do they still use Growl?
Does the websites need to remain open or does this use server-sent events or similar? i.e - can notification centre still receive g-mail events if I close
Yeah, it sounds like it'd still work best with an intermediary that can maintain a bunch of server event streams or similar in order to handle notifications.The page needs to remain open, which seems to me really reduces the benefit of this feature.
I wonder then; would it work if you took a website with notifications support and used the open in dashboard tool to shove it on your dashboard as a widget instead?