If I make a note in TextExpander, I type it up, push done, and then can use the share button at the bottom. But every time I want to make a new note, I have to go into the list of notes and click the plus sign. The only thing the pen button does at the bottom is "erase".
In Drafts, there's the logo at the top right that if you click (whether you're typing or not), takes you to your list of actions. Most of the basic stuff doesn't have to be done with the separate share sheet - SMS, Mail, Copy, so it's just those two clicks.
And you have options on when to automatically create a new draft (or never), and it's easy to do so from the current note instead.
But you know, whatever works for you. If you don't think you'll use a lot of its features, then I don't blame you for not wanting to shell out the money.