Thats what I said. Go read the actual specs by Intel.
Your post came off as the
video signal is an absolute requirement to make TB operate to me, which is not the case. It can operate as a data only interconnect, though this isn't the desired approach with a laptop, and what Intel is actively targeting ATM (fastest way to introduce TB to users). AIO's will be faster to bring to market than PCIe slot equipped desktops as well, due to either an integrated or embedded GPU.
Technically possible vs. restricted by Intel is another argument, but that doesn't hold water in the long run either IMO (does in the short term due to how confusion can affect adoption rates).
If you go back and look at the information Intel released, they didn't mention what effect this meant for desktops with PCIe slots at all, let alone state incontrovertibly "Data Only implementations = never going to happen". Not even close. Instead, they never even addressed it = open ended.
This isn't really surprising IMO, as it's faster to introduce TB to the laptop market than try to get a working method of getting DP data to a TB card in order to avoid confusion (simultaneous support needs GPU card maker support). So they opted to get a product out sooner than later in order to get a return on their investment now rather than later. Pretty simple really.
In terms of how to get a DP signal on a TB chip between discrete PCIe cards (GPU and TB), think of a flexible PCB between the GPU card and TB card (same methodology as SLI or Crossfire cables). Easy and cheap too, but it does mean an open standard that GPU card makers will adopt and use = hard part. Creating standards tends to come with a lot of bickering, and takes time to sort. Hence leaving it open-ended gives them the option to offer it if such a standard is ever adopted, or dump the idea if the standard is never agreed upon as well, and they didn't waste time on profit generation while waiting for this to get sorted. Makes sense from a business perspective anyway.
Assuming the worst case happens (standard adoption = never), then it's still possible to make Data Only TB cards in order to allow desktop users access to TB equipped devices (camera, smartphone, ... whatever).
Imagine Canon creates their TB cameras as promised, but users can't use them with a single desktop on the planet because there are no TB cards available. They'd remind Intel that allowing Data Only PCIe cards for desktops has merit and will be financially beneficial to both (Intel sells more TB chips, and Canon can actually sell their cameras).