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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 10, 2006
Kansas City
ok here is the deal. i currently have a pb g4 17" loaded with 2gb ram 1.67 model 1 month old and i am seriously considering buying new black mb?? advice please...wait?? bitting my bothered by the universal app thing and the beta bootcamp with no isight driver for now. i use photoshop and dreamweaver a do like the idea of being able to boot winblows however. is it worth jumping yet or is my performance good enough?
alw4416 said:
ok here is the deal. i currently have a pb g4 17" loaded with 2gb ram 1.67 model 1 month old and i am seriously considering buying new black mb?? advice please...wait?? bitting my bothered by the universal app thing and the beta bootcamp with no isight driver for now. i use photoshop and dreamweaver a do like the idea of being able to boot winblows however. is it worth jumping yet or is my performance good enough?
I've got a 15" 1.5 with similar questions. I don't really need the MB at all, but I keep looking at it...
I replaced my 1.5Ghz 12" Powerbook with 1.25GB ram with a white 2Ghz MacBook. I slipped 2GB ram into it and haven't looked back.

I too do web design so I just loaded Macromedia Studio 8 into XP and it runs great. As for the iSight driver well just get another cheapy cam and use that in XP instead.

You won't regret it.
i have bootcamp/ windoze xp home loaded on my MBP. it works great, no issues...the setup can be a pain, sometimes bootcamp wont recognize your XP cd, but theres plenty of resource sites out there to guide you. i'm a heavy photoshop/cad user so the dual boot is great. in short, bootcamp is in beta but it works just fine. plus it makes all your friends jealous.:cool:
Remember the Paralles option as well. Then you can run Mac OS X and Windows at the same time and keep the native speeds of photoshop WITHOUT the need for a reboot. Much better solution IMO.

This assumes you have a Windows copy of Photoshop however. But I guess the dual boot option does as well.
alw4416 said:
its hard isnt it??

:rolleyes: Not really. Give how cheap windows machines are, it would make more sense to me to get a crappy one for when you REALLY need windows (do you ever really need windows?) and keep your mac which should be better than a macbook for the time being (given the usage you describe).
When you download Bootcamp it comes with a very easy to follow pdf set of instructions, just follow those and you can't possibly go wrong.

Parallels has it's place I guess, but remember it is still only virtualisation software and therefore is ram dependent and doesn't offer support for all native hardware just yet. Whereas using Bootcamp to create a partition you are installing Windows XP natively onto your Mac just as you would onto a pc.
The real question isn't is worth it?, but is it warranted? I mean, are any of the apps your running giving you displeasure with their speed?

Basically it's futile if what your currently doing is satisfactory with you.
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