i was wondering why everyone here hated glossy so much
it seems to look really nice and the blacks comes out real well
is it really unaccurate for color (photo editing?)
..am i missing something?
some people love 'em, some people don't.
on forums you always hear the negatives more than the positives, the nature of things. if you like glossy, thats cool. i prefer it personally, but everyone is different.
Unfortunately glossy screens are not suitable for serious photo editing as the screen image will not be the same as the final printed image (even when the monitor is calibrated) ...i was wondering why everyone here hated glossy so much
it seems to look really nice and the blacks comes out real well
is it really unaccurate for color (photo editing?)
..am i missing something?
I am thinking about getting a new iMac as well, but the way my room is set up, I have a window directly behind me. A rather large one. Given, I have blinds...
.. I was wondering if anyone is in the situation I'm in?
Has anyone heard anything about or have any personal experience with those anti-glare stick on things that they sell?
The screen image is much more contrasty than prints.
As has been said above, fewer and fewer people actually bother to print their pictures these days since it is a hassle and can be quite expensive to do it well. Unless you are a professional photographer who must print photo's and you don't use a digital printing agency then the glossy screen is very unlikely to cause you any problems. Look at it this way, if you don't own a screen calibrator then a glossy iMac will do you just fine because, with respect, you need a calibrator if you are a serious photographer who prints photo's. )
I love my glossy, have no issues with glare whatsoever, even in the car. I don't do photo editing for print, only for web.
Also, I must say that after getting my glossy mbp, I purchased a dellfor my husband, and decided to go glossy on it as well. Not a good idea. The dell glossy does have issues with glare. I don't know what is different about the two screens, but they are definitely different. I think anyone who is trying to decide between the two should go to an Apple store and check them out.
In certain lighting situations it has absolutely terrible reflecting problems, which can be distracting. If your screen is positioned correctly it looks great.
i was wondering why everyone here hated glossy so much
it seems to look really nice and the blacks comes out real well
is it really unaccurate for color (photo editing?)
..am i missing something?
I saw these negative opinions a thousand times before buying my new iMac.
Even with an open window behind it and lights nearby, I couldn't care less about reflection or glare...it's NOTHING close to what you seem to read in these forums, and doesn't disturb any of my activities AT ALL, be it night time or daylight.
Colors and crispness of images are WAY better than matte screens. You may argue whether this is "realistic" for professionals that need the most accuracy, but 99.9% of users will NEVER need that degree of accuracy.
All those talks about bleeding LCDs and gradient issues are equally overblown in these forums. I've received my iMac and I can't notice a single issue with the screen. It's by far the best LCD screen I've ever seen on a computer. Another myth: with comments like these in the forums, you tend to think Apple is the worst. Just check MacFormat's latest review of a TOP-OF-THE-LINE LCD from Nec, which costs more than a 2,000 USD alone...they identified gradient/brightness differences even in that outrageously expensive "best in class" monitor.
Go check them, confirm this information for yourself and buy it...you won't regret the new iMacs, because they are simply the best desktop computers on Earth, by a LONG shot.
All those talks about bleeding LCDs and gradient issues are equally overblown in these forums. I've received my iMac and I can't notice a single issue with the screen. It's by far the best LCD screen I've ever seen on a computer.
I am one of those who prefers matte screens.
Glossy screens give me headaches after using them for a while. I find the glare way to distracting as well.
But that's just me. Other like glossy screens and prefer them over matte screens.
To each his own.