uhh, sounds like you shouldn't have bought a Samsung phone then? The problem you have with Samsung is not common in many other handsets, just so you know.
You're correct in that different phones (or differently configured by the user) may differ in how long they keep the screen on after plugging in. But this is only a smaller portion of my pet peeve. The biggest portion is the following, and it's the same for any smartphone and tablet I've owned since 2007. It's evening, and I'm done using my device (and it's unplugged). I turn it off. Because I don't need it. Don't need to receive calls, don't need it to download something while sleeping, don't need it on period. So, I go to bed. Oh, almost forgot, I need to charge it for tomorrow. So, I plug it in and BAM!!11 it turns on and boots. I have to wait for it to boot, then turn it off. WHY???
You seem to fail to see that charging and being on are two different, independent states. One does not have to imply the other. In fact, every device allows you to turn it off even when it's plugged in, and it allows you to charge it while (on many devices like iPhone) you don't have any clue if it's actually charging or not. So, this state - being simultaneously plugged in and NOT being on - *is* allowed by the phone. Then why, if it's off, and I plug it in, it doesn't stay in this state? If I want to turn it on, I'll turn it on. Why every single device turns on automatically if I plug it in?! There's no logic in this whatsoever.
BTW, there are still cars on the road that 'require' you to manually turn the lights on.
That's the only cars I consider owning. I'm infuriated by rental cars that have running lights! My car does not. God forbid, that's just stupid! But my car has another annoying "we think you must use it the way we think for you" "feature": if I have both low beam and fog lights on and switch to high beam, it turns off the fog lights. WHY??? If I turn on high beam, obviously, I want to see the road far. But I also want to see it clearly close. One does not logically connected to the other. Yet, I'm forced to only have high beam and have a long dark gap where I can miss something lying on the road. Stupid, just stupid!
in fact, there are still cars on the road that 'require' you to manually pull the choke out to start the engine. You are likely to young to even know what I am referring to though.
Nope. Been there, done that.