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Weathericon (free) puts weather on your status bar and app icon, intelliscreen (paid) puts calendar/weather/SMS/email previews on lock screen, and tlert (paid) let's you reply to texts wihin any app :)
If you're not on a 3GS you should probably stay away from heavy themeing like lockscreen info or live clock.

i just installed weathericon and the weather channel app only shows a ? mark

I dont have winterboard could this be the problem
I thought weathericon works without it?
SBSettings, Winterboard, and Michael Jackson soundboard. The MJ soundboard is can play any song from your iPod and add his "HEE-HEE-HEE!" or "There was doodoo feces thrown all over the walls" for some good laughs.
i just installed weathericon and the weather channel app only shows a ? mark

I dont have winterboard could this be the problem
I thought weathericon works without it?

nope, it needs winterboard, at least that's what I've noticed.

If you're not on a 3GS you should probably stay away from heavy themeing like lockscreen info or live clock.
o_O LiveClock isn't all that big. I haven't noticed any performance decrease... Lockscreeninfo, I can't say. I don't have it.
OpenSSH, Cycorder, MxTube, Winterboard and BossPrefs/SBSettings (I prefer having an icon on the springboard vs what SBSettings does but both are good). Even though it's a theme and not an application, Weather Elements V3 is really cool. If you do give Weather Elements a try I'd suggest 20 Second Lockscreen as well.
It's great to see everyone's responses and see people paying for Jail Broken Apps. It just shows Apple how wrong they have got things missing out the simple tasks and theme's and applications that other phones have which Apple refuse to add for some strange reason.

I have:

3G Unregstrictor - paid
Mobile Termial
Five Dock Icon

And I have only jail broken my first ever iPhone 2 days ago. Really looking for a Bluetooth app. I tried iBluetooth and it would not bootup for me :(

But again what's wrong with giving us Bluetooth Support to transfer files. Just Apple stopping us from sharing content, even though their songs all have DRM in them.
But again what's wrong with giving us Bluetooth Support to transfer files. Just Apple stopping us from sharing content, even though their songs all have DRM in them.

I agree with your point about BT file transfer, although I disagree with your statement that the iTunes songs all have DRM in them.

My must have apps are:

Lockscreen Info
20 Second Lockscreen
Mobile Terminal
Reflective Dock
I'm a big fan of the rockyourphone apps.

I have:

Intelliscreen (paid)
tlert (paid)
elert (paid)
5 icon dock
5 dock icon is a must.

I see some screenshots where the icons are spread out and they look really nice. When I have tried 5 icon dock or 5 columns, the icons are all crammed together with no space in between. What am I missing?
Cydia apps

3G Unrestrictor

I'll also grab PDA Net it AT&T or Apple blocks the tethering hack.
AT&T Carrier Logo
Five Icon Dock
Pda Net
SBSettings (with calc widget, volume widget)
Weather Icon
Wiggle Free
and, my favorite....3G Unrestrictor!
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