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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 6, 2015
I have strange problem after iOS14 update. My whatsapp is working fine when using mobile data (*wifi switched off), but when using wifi calls (both video and audio) shows reconnecting and then call gets disconnected with call failed.

Please note another phone on the same wifi network (different mobile number) works fine with whatsapp calling.

I have done -
reset network settings
reinstall whatsapp application
all steps as mentioned in the FAQ of whatsapp help pages
router reset and restart

Anyone who have come across the same problem
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macrumors newbie
Oct 5, 2017
Same problem here.
unable to make any WhatsApp calls on my home Wifi network. This used to be fine before the software update.
I have tried with other iOS 14 devices - all of them have the same problem.
Anyone with a solution ?


macrumors regular
Jul 30, 2018

We have 4 iPhones in our family (iPhone 7+, 2x 8+, and 11) and we're all on IOS 14. We have 150 Mbps internet with Rogers. When we are on Wifi and try calling each other, we run into serious audio issues. Sometimes, one person's voice gets through and the other can't be heard. Other times, both people's audio can't get through or it will be intermittent. Some words will get through for a few seconds and then nothing for like 20-30 seconds. Lastly, it will often try to "reconnect call." I restarted my router just to make sure and wifi speeds are full 150 Mbps. No issue with internet speed.

I then made us turn off our Wifi and go on cellular LTE. Everything worked perfectly.

I have seen a post here or there about this on other forums in the last day, but still nothing significant. One of the members have been having this issue for a few days. Not sure if its an iOS 14 issue?

Anyone else having this issue?


macrumors regular
Jul 30, 2018
We updated our phones to iOS 14.0.1 and tried a few more experiments with iPhone 7+ and 8+

Phone A Cellular to Phone B Cellular -> OK
Phone A Cellular to Phone B Wi-fi -> OK
Phone A Wi-fi to Phone B Cellular -> OK
Phone A Wi-fi to Phone B Wi-fi -> NOT OK

Wi-fi to Wi-fi seems to be the issue.
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macrumors 601
Aug 6, 2015
Same here. Interestingly, if one of the parties or both switch to cellular from WiFi it starts working. Not sure if it is WhatsApp or iOS 14.0.1, but am using FaceTime instead for now with most of my contacts for calls. The WhatsApp messages are not affected.


macrumors 68020
Feb 22, 2015
Are devices on home network on the same WiFi lan?
Are you running any 3rd party networking product, especially a VPN?
Hard a lot of trouble with the last 3-4 beta versions related to PA even as they kept saying they were working on WiFi issues and asking for more test results and system logs.

I kept one slightly older iPhone X on iOS 13.n just to be sure problems were with iOS 14.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 2, 2014
I solved this issue:
enable whatsapp “local network privacy“ permission. This is new in iOS 14.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 6, 2015
Switching the local network permission to ON in the Settings -> WhatsApp menu resolved the issue.

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macrumors 601
Aug 6, 2015
Try turning off private addess.

What fixed it for me was turning ON “Local Network” in Settings > WhatsApp as per OP’s screenshot above. Having to turn off private address each time we connect to a different WiFi network is super cumbersome.
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