IMO this is quite interesting as Whatsapp is a) slow to ever release updates, b) looks really outdated in iOS 7, and c) has often been criticized for not being secure.
I couldn't see anything on here or other English sites, so this is from a German site:
The source is iphone-ticker.de
Rough translation:
The text service Whatsapp is about to receive a big update. The next version will include an entirely new design, featuring new icons and gestures, and a new security system. Also, it'll improve location based notifications, and display images larger. Here's a preview:
IMO this is quite interesting as Whatsapp is a) slow to ever release updates, b) looks really outdated in iOS 7, and c) has often been criticized for not being secure.
I couldn't see anything on here or other English sites, so this is from a German site:
Der Kurznachrichtendienst WhatsApp steht kurz vor einem großen Update. Die nächste Version wird ein komplett neues Design einführen, ein komplett neues Sicherheitssystem implementieren, neue Icons und Wisch-Gesten anbieten und sowohl die Standortbenachrichtigungen verbessern als auch die Bilder größer darstellen. Hier die ersten Bilder:
The source is iphone-ticker.de
Rough translation:
The text service Whatsapp is about to receive a big update. The next version will include an entirely new design, featuring new icons and gestures, and a new security system. Also, it'll improve location based notifications, and display images larger. Here's a preview: