Agree that 18 months is not old, not for a display, at least. Disagree about the technology being dated when it was released in 2022. What devices eclipse it's particular combination of specs (just the display, not the webcam or audio)? Sure, you can get higher refresh rates, but not in a ~220dpi display. Same goes for mini LED, etc.
I really wish it were obsoleted by a better display, because I have trouble with the price of the ASD given the limited adjustability and and the alternative 5K (and 4k, for that matter) displays have their own issues. I'll probably go with a 4K display since I don't think my eyes are really good enough that I'll miss the extra pixels at my typical viewing distance and I'm sick of my current arrangement (16" MBP on a stand in front of me and a 24" 16:10 94dpi display next to it. The $1K I save will go a long way to getting a better monitor in 3-5y.