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Well the first time I was ever on the internet was in January of 2007, I know, I know, pretty late. Plus it was super slow dialup.
I'd say October 1993 on a friend's father's IIgs running AOL.

I just bought a Mac IIvx and he brought his IIgs over to show me about Apple and what the computers could do. I was hooked and using AOL on my own computer within a couple of weeks with a blazing fast 2400 baud modem:cool:. Looking back I assume he brought his IIgs since the modem was likely not Mac compatible.

On a side note I also found out then that though the GS/OS and System 7 looked the same to me none of my friends Apple games would work on a Mac.:( Though System 7's ease of use blew Windows 3.1 and DOS 6 out of the water.
1995 looking up stuff about SNES games on a BBS. Had a packard bell desktop and we paid by the minute after our monthly allotment ran out (which was like an hour a month.
2000, the computer was given to us for my dad for his home business, we also got free dial up as a gift, but free internet is never great, we could only access the modems at certain times during the day. :p
I started going online in 80s/90s with compuserve and connecting to various BBS. I remember getting a 150 baud modem and connecting it to my very first computer a TRS color computer

I thought I was so cool - of course it only illustrated how much of a geek I was :D
I started in the 80s, maybe 1986, with a Commodore 64 and the lightning fast Commodore 1660. The interesting part about that modem was that it could not generate DTMF tones. Instead, a cable was included to connect the modem to the audio out. The computer generated the DTMF tones and fed it into the modem (and therefore the line) for tone dialing.

I connected to Quantum Link (i.e. Q-Link). I also had other communication portals, but cannot recall their names. I used ProTerm a lot back in the day.
It was 1994 here. An old IBM 386 with an external, brick-sized 2400 bauds modem.
The summer of 1995 I bough my fist mac PowerBook, with bw scree, trackball pointer, but an internal modem of 9600 bauds. A price of around 1300 USD, I recall...
1998 or so, Manchester University. I think we got it at home a year later.
1991 at University. No Web back then, just software archives, MUDs and bulletin boards IIRC. WWW appeared the next year, although unless you were a Star Trek fan there wasn't really much of any interest :)
1991 at University. No Web back then, just software archives, MUDs and bulletin boards IIRC. WWW appeared the next year, although unless you were a Star Trek fan there wasn't really much of any interest :)

Same here. I got my first email/Unix shell account in late 1990 or early 1991, I can't remember exactly. I used it for a couple of BBS systems, MUDs, IRC, and Usenet. MUDs almost made me flunk out of school. :)

I first saw a browser around 1993 when one of my profs showed me this thing called Mosaic. He was very excited about being able to see non-ascii pictures.
I had been using computers long before our family bought a Sony in 2001 (laaaaate to the game, I know :D). The first computer I ever used was a Macintosh, though. :cool:
Internet? Probably around 1990 or so.

Previous to that, some of the first comms between UNC and Duke in 1971, various local BBS's around RDU in the 1970s, CompuServe in the 1980s.

Helped write a website for a company back in 1993. It was one of the first 1,000 or so webpages on the planet.

The text-only Lynx browser was a favorite at the time. Then came Netscape and pictures. But graphics-based sites were too slow for most people back then over slow modems.
^^ Man, I remember Lynx. I was really disappointed that the crappy computers in our Uni department couldn't handle Mosaic like those down the Computer Science labs. CS students had Windows 3.0 AND Macs to choose from, instead of our rubbish old 286 DOS machines with WordPerfect and the like. We even got that crappy blue NetWare menu when we first logged in :D
90 or so. Using Mosaic, Archie, xarchie, usenet ( but can't remember the name of the client). Later we had Netscape..
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