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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 7, 2010
Ok well Im planning on getting the iPad around mid-september. Now i see talks of a new iPad with front facing cam's and all those goodies.....Does anybody have a confirmed time when this iPad could be coming out?

Thx guys, appreciate answers. :D
Probably next April or around then. Although there have been no rumors, Apple seems to do this thing where they release products around the same time every year.

Summer is for iPhones
Fall is for iPods
Spring is for iPads?

Would make sense so they would always have more magic and revolution to spread.
Ok so there is no New ipad coming out around the holiday season?
Ok so there is no New ipad coming out around the holiday season?

Well there were the rumors a few days ago from iLounge about a 7 inch model, but there were no signs of front facing cameras. If there would be another release this year, it won't contain any new features because the first wave of purchasers would feel gypped.
They shouldn't put either a camera or retina display on this one. All they should do is add a better processor on the new iPad. At least until gen 3 or 4 like the iPod Touch otherwise people who bought the 1st gen would be very disappointed. I bought 1G iPod touch and then bought second (didn't need to but got it for free exchange) same went on for 3rd as got that for free exchange too so I traded in old for new but didn't notice a huge difference until iOS4 came out which supportd 3G fully rather than 2G iPod Touch.
They shouldn't put either a camera or retina display on this one. All they should do is add a better processor on the new iPad. At least until gen 3 or 4 like the iPod Touch otherwise people who bought the 1st gen would be very disappointed. I bought 1G iPod touch and then bought second (didn't need to but got it for free exchange) same went on for 3rd as got that for free exchange too so I traded in old for new but didn't notice a huge difference until iOS4 came out which supportd 3G fully rather than 2G iPod Touch.

Yeah I think all its gonna get is a speed bump and maybe a front facing cam
Yeah, considering some countries just got it like 2 months ago. I doubt there will be a refresh anytime soon. As it should be.

Some countries got it two weeks ago, too. It doesn't make any sense for Apple to release a new model anytime soon.
Apple are here to make profit, that's how they got to be the world's biggest (highest stock market value) company. Why would they incur the expense, risk and lost opportunity of launching a new model now when the current one has only just gone on sale in some parts of the world and, on a global basis, they still can't meet demand for the current model.

There's no need (financially) for a new model now and lots of reasons not to do it, namely:

1) The net effect would probably be to damage the Apple brand image by upsetting all the early adopters. Some unfriendly and alarmist journalists could even try to spin a negative storyline ... "Apple panicked by Android competitors ... Unusually, Apple has released a new version of it's iPad only months after ... Worried about the better capabilities of upcoming Android-based tablets ... All this just after Antennagate .... VP just fired ... Is Apple losing control? .... Apple no longer looking so sure footed ... Confusion and annoyance within Apple's retail channels ...". I think it could play very negatively.

2) It costs money to push a new product out through the supply chains, set up new stock codes, redo all the advertising and promo materials, and possibly even be liable for stock rotations on very recently delivered old models. Do they really want to do this twice in 6 months?

3) If they launch a new model too soon they won't have gained enough data on manufacturing efficiencies, yields and in-field failures of specific components to be able to feed that back into the next design and tweak things to reduce manufacturing costs and increase reliability which is a very important hidden new feature in every Apple product (streamlining the manufacturing), this is a feature that is of huge importance to Apple but invisible to us consumers.

4) I doubt that Apple's design teams have had time to do significant changes to the A4 (they only bought Intrinsity in late April so those staff are only very recently integrated into Apple) so any performance bump would be very modest and possibly at the expense of battery life.

For the above reasons I just don't see Apple breaking the yearly release cycle on the iPad. Some commentators in other threads have gone even further and suggested that the next iPad will be released in September 2011 although personally I'm not sure on that one. I think that it will be April 2011.

- Julian
No idea.... none. No rumors to point to a new release either. Usually you get the smoke blowing in your direction, then the fire comes a little later. No rumors means almost no chance of an update soon.

Most likely they will set a new release in March-April. They might already release in January, but I doubt it. Don't expect anything until 2011.
Ok well Im planning on getting the iPad around mid-september. Now i see talks of a new iPad with front facing cam's and all those goodies.....Does anybody have a confirmed time when this iPad could be coming out?

Thx guys, appreciate answers. :D

Get it now the next one wont be out till next year, see above reasons and just reviews apples product history.
I know when it is coming out.

...just after someone releases viable competition for the gen1.

Why would apple release anything before there is something to leap-frog?

They rushed to market (hello ios 3.2 port) to attempt the corner the market (gg) and then once someone tries to release a competitor, they will release a leap frog product to keep that market.

Pretty basic.
I have one already but I'm not showing it to anyone until April or May so don't ask.

are you testing the new 7" iPad 2.0, 2Ghz, 256Gb, Retina display, 4G/Wi-Fi with front and rear facing cameras, Snow Leopard, gyroscopes, accelerometers and a white case too?

Now, where did I leave that thing?
There is a chance of some iPad news coming out in September/October.
However it won't be a refresh of the iPad that came out in April. Instead I think what we will be looking at is an iPad mini with a 6-7 inch screen.
I would expect it to have the new processor but beyond that it's all speculation - oh it also probably will come with IOS 4 but that's a given.
well, I think this is like those games from EA (madden nfl 2011, NBA Live 2011, tiger woods 2011 and so): If you wanna play today you should to pay. And don't worry about your anxiety: something new will arrive the next year... every next year
I'm sick of these threads.

There's still at least 6 months before they'll do anything to it.

@WLS they would NEVER release a smaller ipad with a better processor than their flagship 10 inch. It would deprive sales.
are you testing the new 7" iPad 2.0, 2Ghz, 256Gb, Retina display, 4G/Wi-Fi with front and rear facing cameras, Snow Leopard, gyroscopes, accelerometers and a white case too?

Now, where did I leave that thing?

Nope. 6.95" iTPad(hybrid tablet and pad) 3.0, 4Ghz A8 chip, 4gigs memory, bionic optical Retina display, 4G/wifi/wimax with 3D imagining front and rear, iOS 5, internal laser gyroscopes, military grade accelerometers, in a completely transparent polycarbonite/lucite/glass enclosure. Only weighs 110 grams. 6 months between charges thanks to new plutonium based fuel cells.
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