I still feel the pencil is not as good as surface pen
First time I've heard that before. I personally didn't feel the same after playing with both.
To the OP, if you need the iPad Pro now, just get it now.
...I think there is no comparison. The pencil blows the Surface pen out of the water.
When Mac refreshes got delayed, people blamed it on the focus Apple would have on the iOS products. Now, if iOS refreshes get delayed, too - I wonder where Apple's focus may actually be?!Since it's not Aprilthen the next chance is for it to be mentioned, IMHO, is at WWDC.
NOT releasing everything in the same timeframe( iPhone, iPad, MBP, iMac, iWatch) would make a lot of sense. But then again, this is nuApple, so making sense is very low on their list of things to do.
You are mentioning yourself that there's a difference between programs, so at least those 2 points above could well origin from the 3rd party Software.Specific pencil issues i see are:
1) clear lag and stroke quantization in procreate with medium brushes even in lighter ppi files
2) tilt shade effect looks very fake in procreate; better in apple notes
Why don't you just read through the other threads on this? Does it really need another one? Even a simple google search? As someone else said- it's pure speculation. It could be May, June, September, October, November. It's that enough guesses for you? AAny idea? Can we expect an update this summer?