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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 15, 2005
...Better Hope you like lemons


Hope you like


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 15, 2005
..."useless" - no, its a photography forum

and "hidden message"...Umm...a tribute to the exploitation of the agriculture industry?


May 26, 2004
Randy's House
icloud said:
..."useless" - no, its a photography forum

and "hidden message"...Umm...a tribute to the exploitation of the agriculture industry?

Nice - what did you use for lighting and backdrop?


macrumors G4
Nicely propped up... on my PB, they look slightly more like oranges from their colour though. I'm not qualified enough to comment on the technical aspects but I like it :eek:

I'd prefer to get more idea of the texture of the skin or segments though - I can see the texture of the 'base' so I want to see that of the fruit. I'm also not sure I'm really getting the sense of lemons without an inkling of the normal 'lemon' shape.

Now limes, I really like, any chance of a good juicy close up so that I can almost smell the citrus?


macrumors 65816
Dec 24, 2005
icloud said:
..."useless" - no, its a photography forum

and "hidden message"...Umm...a tribute to the exploitation of the agriculture industry?

didn't notice it was the photo forum, just clicked new posts and found this. I just think its a simple photo. Of course, i'm not a photographer so it might have been hard to do. Did you edit it at all? What camera did you use? I want to take more pictures so…

I didn't mean anything here to be an insult. just stating my opinions.

Applespider said:
Nicely propped up... on my PB, they look slightly more like oranges from their colour though.
you're right about that. its almost a mix between the two for me.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 15, 2005
I actually used 2 sheets of portrait laying flat on a table and the other behind it at an angle _/ <--like that to remove the crease line that would arise from the 2 meeting

Lighting = Natural indoor window lit

Name: DSC_0030
Image Date: 07/02/06 2:30:20 PM MST (CA)
Aperture: f7.1
Shutter Speed: 1/20
Exposure Bias: +0.7ev
ISO Speed Rating: ISO320
Focal Length (35mm): 93mm
Focal Length: 62mm
Pixel Size: 3024 x 1998
File Name: DSC_0030.NEF
File Size: 4.92 MB
Camera Model: NIKON D70s


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 15, 2005

Theres another one...slightly faster shutter and bigger aperture...making this look like an orange...
this also shows the 2 portrait sheets i used before...the definant crease...

dont know if this is "better" "worse" or what not



macrumors 65816
Dec 24, 2005
icloud said:
...making this look like an orange...
this also shows the 2 portrait sheets i used before...the definant crease...

dont know if this is "better" "worse" or what not


i would have to honestly say that the first one looks better. you can't tell its paper behind it, it looks more like lemons, etc. Good work though. By reading your above post, i realize that it must be harder than i thought to take that picture. you have to do so much more than just point and shoot with some backround. good work.

Mike Teezie

macrumors 68020
Nov 20, 2002
Nice shots.

Both images work, but I like the first one more because I feel it's a better composition.

I like them both. Might make a nice desktop!


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Applespider said:
I'd prefer to get more idea of the texture of the skin or segments though - I can see the texture of the 'base' so I want to see that of the fruit. I'm also not sure I'm really getting the sense of lemons without an inkling of the normal 'lemon' shape.

Me too. I'd like to see the texture of the skin and the "pulp" (correct word?). It's a bit out of focus I think. Did you crop it that size?

But great photo. I'd like to try shooting something like that one day, maybe soon. :) I love the background.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Very nice! I'm partial to lemons anyway, so this made my day to see such a nice image. Lighting was well done. Maybe you could get a little closer to the subjects the next time? Also an idea for composition would be to have a complete, uncut lemon alongside the two slices.


macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2005
i like the composition, but the lemons just look out of focus to me, too soft. with an image like this i like to be able to see alot of detail in the subject.


macrumors regular
Dec 13, 2005
I agree, they look soft to me too. Maybe increasing the DOF will help bring more of the fruit into focus, hope its not too late to give it a try, I'd like to see the outcome, I think they'd be great shots if it wasn't for the softness.


macrumors regular
Jan 12, 2006
In a far country
Focus, it is out of focus (slightly) on my screen. I believe that was probably due to lighting but thats been my own experience. Try to add some artificial lighting next time, I think it would brighten up everything and really help focus.


macrumors 603
Sep 19, 2003
Canada, eh?
You should do this with a few slices of McIntosh apples. :D

Would make an awesome Mac desktop.

(Unless Mac fans are more of a "red delicious" type, I dunno...)


macrumors regular
Aug 25, 2005
Thanks for sharing the (Eureka?) Lemon pics. That vibrant shade of yellow is quite pleasing to the eye. Cutting it crossways like reveals the interesting radial pattern well. And the extreme white of the pith under the skin is a nice contrast to the yellow.

Now the picky part:)

The last photo is much sharper, at least the top 1/3.

Think the mat is absorbing a bit of lemon juice between the two wedges.

Not sure what the answer is, but the varying focus of the mat texture tends to draw my eye downward, off the subject, when I'd rather explore the textures of the lemon.
On the first photo I thought the texture of the lemon skin was a reflection on a smooth surface, then it became apparent it was textured paper.

I just had to go cut, examine and eat a lemon...I grow lemons and oranges and see lots of cut citrus, but it's certainly worthwile to take the time to appreciate the beautiful color and design dimensions.

Tip, for really tasty lemonade...make sure and squeeze plenty of the oil out of the skin into the drink, for superior flavoring!



macrumors 6502a
Mar 7, 2005
Nice still life

Looking at your file data, the first thing I noticed was the shutter speed and aperture.

One or both may help with the "soft focus" mentioned in earlier post.

With a low shutter speed (1/20th) any camera shake could give a little softness. If you aren't using a tripod, get one. If you are, get a cable release or use the self timer to trip the shutter so that there is no camera shake.

The aperture of f7.1 on a 93mm focal lenth is in the low range also. This gives you a short depth of field. Try bumping it up to f16 or f22. Remember though that this will slow your shutter speed down even more... see above.

Good luck.
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