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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 21, 2016
So for the past few weeks I've been getting this error when I put an mp3 and add it to an already existing album it creates and entirely separate album of the same name and info. It only does this with MP3s no matter what artist or album. I noticed it did this even before updating to a newer version of Catalina so I'm assuming it's iTunes not the OS.

Here is a screen recording of what I am having a problem with:

It would stop if I restarted but after about 10 minutes into using my computer the problem occurs again. Now it occurs no matter what so I am making this post because this is ridiculous. Restarting iTunes doesn't fix it and now restarting the computer doesn't fix it. I also tried using a third-party website & application to tag then imported it into my library and it still separates the album.

I am using Music, Version on Catalina version 10.15.7
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