my mac mini will be 64 bit as soon as i can buy a core 2 T7200 (2.0 Ghz) chip! i bought the core solo when it first came out, with the intention of upgrading to the core duo at a later time (and faster speed than was availble then) but now i found out the core 2 is pin to pin compatible with the core solo, so i will be happy to drop in a core 2 instead! the only problem is big companies like apple, dell, hp etc have bought up all the chips, so most places i can find selling the core 2 have all the chips on back order till early october :-( . . . so if anyone knows where i can pick up a core 2, let me know!!!
. . . but im guessing the minis will be 64 bit around the release of leopard. i think the mini and the macbooks will be the last to get it though. i expect the mac book pro will get the core 2 soon!