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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 9, 2011
Why do I need a semi lock screen to replace Notification Center? It’s just confusing

Why would I need to pull down Notification Center and then swipe left to use the camera when it’s quicker to get there from control center?

Why can’t I put Notification Center on widgets view and have it stay there when I close and reopen it. I generally care more about getting to my widgets quickly then I do about seeing notifications.

Seems like Notification Center gets worse and worse with each release.
The cheeky (and somewhat true) response would be when they learn good software UI design again.
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I like much of the ios 11 design... just not notification center... oh and they need to allow more favorites in control center from homekit... 9 seriously? even if they don’t want to make it scrollable they could easily fit 2 more rows... or even better yet make the icons a bit smaller and put 4 per row.
I agree. The pseudo lock screen idea is just bizarre. Why do I need a gigantic time and date taking up half the screen in Notifications?

This seems like it was not designed with the 4” and 4.7” phones in mind at all.
I agree. The pseudo lock screen idea is just bizarre. Why do I need a gigantic time and date taking up half the screen in Notifications?

This seems like it was not designed with the 4” and 4.7” phones in mind at all.
Just like iOS 8 wasn't really designed with the 4-inch iPhones in mind (you could barely display two widgets in notification center for example). That's just how it works. iOS 11 is specifically designed for the iPhone X, and the 'Plus' models. Always been like that, and I don't expect that to change.

Having said that, I do agree with OP that the Notification Center aka 'Cover Sheet' in iOS 11 is confusing. Some will assume that they're actually on the lock screen when they actually aren't. And the camera indeed can be accessed quicker through Control Center (or of course actual Lock Screen).

So yeah, I do hope they'll change this. Wouldn't surprise me if they'd do just that with iOS 12, or maybe even any iOS 11.x update. I'd say, why not send some feedback to Apple? Or an E-mail to Craig Federighi? Apparently he does reply after all. He might actually budge if anyone can get him to change it. :p
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My biggest gripe with the new Notification Center is the music widget being there! How is my music playing a "notification"? I can get to music controls quickly through Control Center, I don't need that occupying half of the screen when I want to get to my notifications.
My biggest gripe with the new Notification Center is the music widget being there! How is my music playing a "notification"? I can get to music controls quickly through Control Center, I don't need that occupying half of the screen when I want to get to my notifications.


How could anybody think this is a functional notifications screen?!?

I cannot stand the fact that you cannot clear all notifications until they become older notifications. It drives me crazy, the funny thing is this isn't the first time this has been an issue in the history of iOS. In the early days of Notification Center the same thing was an issue, then they added clear all, and now its gone again. The worst part is when I am trying to clear all these notifications it swipes over to the camera half the time.
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